
Clean and minimal zsh theme with git bisecting/merging/rebasing modes and configurable prompt symbols.

Primary LanguageShell

☝️ This repo is no longer maintained as I have migrated to starship. You should, too.


Sepshell is clean and minimal theme with git bisecting, merging and rebasing modes as well as some pretty configurable ascii symbols to build your shell prompt.



# NOTICE: Sepshell needs "robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh" in place.

# With vanilla zsh:
git clone https://github.com/sepehr/sepshell.git ~/.zsh-sepshell
echo 'source  ~/zsh-sepshell/sepshell.zsh-theme' >> ~/.zshrc

# With zplug:
zplug "sepehr/sepshell", use:"sepshell.zsh-theme", on:"robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh"

# With zgen:
zgen load sepehr/sepshell sepshell

# With antigen:
antigen theme sepehr/sepshell sepshell

# With antibody:
antibody bundle sepehr/sepshell

# With ZPM:
Plug sepehr/sepshell
source ~/.local/share/zpm/plugins/sepehr/sepshell.zsh-theme


Screenshot I

Screenshot II