
Easy ToDo / Javascript todo list

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Easy ToDo

Open-source/Client side Javascript todo list web app

User guide

Simple usage

If you're new to the app:

  • When you open the app, it asks your name. Enter your name or 'Skip'. You can change it later without any limits.
  • Now tap on the box at the bottom of screen. You can add tasks here; Tap, Type, Enter. It's optional to select a card color or not, you can change it later.
  • Every card has two buttons. Check them or sort them. Tap to check. Tap, hold and move card to sort. That was the newbie guide.

Advanced usage

View cards

Tap on a card to see more details about it.

Edit task title

Tap on the card, tap 'Edit card'. Now edit from the bottom input field.

Edit task color

Tap on the card, tap 'Edit card'. Just tap on the color you want.

Lock cards

Tap on the card, tap 'Edit card', tap 'Add/Edit password'. Now You're in password mode. There are 3 types of commands; Fully lock the card, lock sort and check button, remove lock.

  • Tap and enter 1 [Space] (the keyboard) or the word 'null' to unlock
  • Enter [Dot] (from keyboard) (the character '.') to lock card buttons
  • Enter anything except [Space] ' ' [Dot] '.' and 'null' to lock the cards and hide it's text

Rename account

Open menu, tap on the profile icon (top right).

Menu and buttons


Bring the done cards back (Stores up to 10). Text and color remains but card date will be refreshed.


Switch between 1 or 2 card(s) in a row.


Switch between ltr (e.g. English) or rtl (e.g. Persian) direction.

Master password

You need to set a master password to lock a card, unlock all cards, export (backup) data. DON'T forget the password; It's not easy to recover data except if you know about JSON and a little JS.

Change theme

Changes app theme and cards default color (when adding new task).

Reverse sort / Sort by color / Sort by date

Sorts the cards.

Import data

Import and exported data. You need to enter the file's master password (new data master password).

Export data

Exports data (mostly used as a back-up) that can be imported to app. You need to have a master password to do this operation.

Unlock all

Unlock all locked cards (if exists).


You can select cards with selector tool and check them or change their label color. Select your cards and tap on the input field for more. To exit selector mode simply just open/close menu or tap on input and close message box.

Check all

Check all cards with transition/animation (400ms delay).

Reset data

Reset you data completely.

Developer guide

Developer mode

Rename your account to 'Developer' to get extra buttons on your menu.

Coding on source

There's a little spaghetti code


DB.mode value (int)

-1 Used as null and canceled operation
0 Add card
1 Startup name input
2 Reset DB
3 Check all cards
4 empty - nothing
5 Changing name
6 Editing card
7 Unlocking card
8 Remove/Change/Add password
9 Updating outdated DB version
10 Changing master password or entered master password to export DB
11 Setting master password
12 Importing DB
13 Unlock all cards
14 Selector - check selected cards


Default boolean values are false.

Opens menu and hides message box

Closes menu isButton:boolean Won't hide message box

refresh(dontScroll, isAdded, refreshId)
Refresh/Add Cards from DB to DOM dontScroll:boolean Won't scroll to bottom of page (an animation) isAdded:boolean Pass true if there a new card added to DB refreshId:boolean Card element index in DB.list array (for refreshing 1 card)


refresh(true) // to completely refresh cards from DB to DOM

refresh(null, true) // adds last DB.list element to DOM

refresh(null, null, 4) // refreshes 5th card in DOM list

Delete a card from DB and DOM completely
item:DOM-Element One of the buttons ('i' tag) of the card you want to delete

Refreshes undo count in menu (DOM)

Add/Edit password for a DB.chosen (element index in DB) card

Lock/Unlock a card.
element:DOM-Element Card's lock 'i' tag. If card is locked (has 'fa-lock' class) will require password to open and if card is unlocked (has 'fa-lock-open' class) will lock it again (actually refreshes it)
id:int Element index that you want to unlock it


lockFunc(this) // used on onclick listener, locks/unlocks

lockFunc(null, DB["chosen"]) // unlocks DB.chosen (ID) card

Save data from DB variable to localstorage.
Load data from localstorage to DB variable.

message(content, focus, keepchosen, html, showEditCard)
Shows a specific message to user.
content:string Message text
focus:boolean Focus on input, used when you ask user for something.
keepchosen:boolean Keep DB.chosen when focuses on input or not
html:boolean Render content as html or text
showEditCard:boolean Keep 'Edit card' button in message box or remove 'active' class

Changes app theme.
Currently there are 6 themes. Each of them contains 4 color (A, B, C, D) - Bright to Dark
A: Menu buttons - B: Cards background - C: Background - D: Menu background
justLoad:boolean Just loads current DB colors to DOM
returnCurrentColor:boolean Return DB color array


changeTheme() // cycles between app's themes

changeTheme(true) // loads DB theme to DOM - used on app startup

changeTheme(null, true) // returns current theme array

Exports DB - actually downloads a text file

importData(returnPass, callback)
Imports DB (text file) from '#fileInput' element
returnPass:boolean Return selected data file password hash (callback required)
callback:function Callback function when file loading is finished (returnPass should be true)

Shows and hide red screen (with transition) - used on wrong password input.
keepMessage:boolean Doesn't work - ignore it

Hash function, used to save master password as hash.
ascii:string Text you want to calculate it's hash