
Tool to show battery info from APM/ACPI files

Primary LanguageShell


Battery info from APM/ACPI files

pm-info is a tool that shows the status of our laptop battery.
It supports both APM and ACPI methods, and allows several options to customize the output result shown, which makes it perfect for use from other scripts.


$ pm-info [option(s)]

Where options are:
   -v           Print verbose info
   -k           Print kernel driver version
   -b           Print bios driver version
   -s           Print battery status
   -c           Print battery capacity
   -cf          Print battery capacity full
   -cw          Print battery capacity warning
   -cl          Print battery capacity low
   -mv          Print baterry voltage
   -mf          Print battery voltage full
   -p           Print battery charge percentage
   -t           Print battery charge time
   -u           Print units for battery charge time
   -e           Print end of line
   -C "STRING"  Print output in custom format
   -h           Print this help information
   -V           Print version information


Examples which worked with APM/ACPI:

$ pm-info
$ pm-info -C "Batt: %s (%p)"
$ pm-info -v

Examples which only worked with APM:

$ pm-info -b
$ pm-info -t
$ pm-info -C "Battery Status: %p (%t%u), AC: %s"
$ pm-info -C "BIOS Version %b (Kernel Driver Version %k): %p"

Examples which only worked with ACPI:

$ pm-info -mv
$ pm-info -cw
$ pm-info -C "Batt: %s %p - Capacity: %c/%cf mAh - Voltage: %mv/%mf mV"