
Symfony2 bundle for integration of the Foundation framework

Primary LanguagePHP

Welcome to KrillaFoundationBundle

KrillaFoundationBundle helps you to integrate Foundation framework into your Symfony2 project.

The bundle can use either the original version of Foundation developed by ZURB, or the modified LESS version developed Matalin Hatchard.

Installation ------------ ### Step 1: Download KrillaFoundationBundle

Download the bundle using the standard Symfony2 method with the vendors script. Add the following lines in your deps file:


Now, run the vendors script to download the bundle:

$ php bin/vendors update
### Step 2: Configure the Autoloader

Add the Krilla namespace to your autoloader:

// app/autoload.php

    // ...
    'Krilla' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
### Step 3: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Krilla\FoundationBundle\KrillaFoundationBundle(),
### Step 4: Install Foundation (optional)

To install Foundation using the Symfony2 vendors script, add the following lines to your deps file:


Now, run the vendors script to download Foundation:

$ php bin/vendors update
### Step 5: Install YUI Compressor (optional)


This step installs the YUI Compressor from GitHub matching the download version that can be found at http://yuilibrary.com/download/yuicompressor/. At the time of writing it is Version 2.4.7.

To install YUI Compressor using the Symfony2 vendors script, add the following lines to your deps file:


Now, run the vendors script to download YUI Compressor:

$ php bin/vendors update

Now enable the Assetic filter by updating your app/config/config.yml file. The configuration options of interest here are yui_css and yui_js. The assetic section of the file should like this:

# app/config/config.yml

# ...

# Assetic Configuration
    debug:          %kernel.debug%
    use_controller: false
    # java: /usr/bin/java
        cssrewrite: ~
        # closure:
        #     jar: %kernel.root_dir%/java/compiler.jar
            jar: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/yuicompressor/build/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar
            jar: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/yuicompressor/build/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar

# ...
### Step 6: Install assets (optional)

The template Krilla/FoundationBundle/Resources/base_foundation.html.twig combines the Foundation JavaScript and CSS files. Foundation suggests two files for your custom code: vendor/bundles/Krilla/FoundationBundle/Resources/public/foundation/stylesheets/app.css and vendor/bundles/Krilla/FoundationBundle/Resources/public/foundation/javascripts/app.js. The template loads css/main.css and js/main.js instead. Here you have the option to either create those files:

$ mkdir -p web/css && touch web/css/main.css
$ mkdir -p web/js && touch web/js/main.js

or copy the files Foundation suggests:

$ mkdir -p web/css && [ -f web/css/main.css ] && cp web/css/main.css web/css/main.css.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.bak
$ cp vendor/bundles/Krilla/FoundationBundle/Resources/public/foundation/stylesheets/app.css web/css/main.css
$ mkdir -p web/js && [ -f web/js/main.js ] && cp web/js/main.js web/js/main.js.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.bak
$ cp vendor/bundles/Krilla/FoundationBundle/Resources/public/foundation/javascripts/app.js web/js/main.js