
This is a simpliest FaceNet trial using pytorch with Triplet Loss and Cross Entropy Loss. The backbone use the Resnet-19. It transforms a picture into 128 features and can be used in Reid or other project.

The code shows how to convert a pytorch model to an engine for tensorrt to deploy.

Require the pytorch 1.0.1 version.

1.Directory Structure

  |--data_txt # Generate by the code
  |--engine # The folder to save engine
  |--head_data # The folder for data  
     |--001 # The person number, just like 001,002
        |--001 # The folder to put person data(The folder name can be any and contain muti folders)
  |--log # The folder to save model
  |--logs # The folder to save tensorboard logs
  |--onnx_model # The folder to save onnx models
  |--test_model # The folder to save test models     

2. Train The Model

  • Prepare the data

Prepare your data in head_data folder. The data must be head_data/PersonId/ImageFolders. Then run

python data2txt.py

to generate the txt file in data_txt.

  • Train the model

Change the Config.py and train.py for your requirements. Then run

python train.py

for training.

3. Test The Model

Change the test.py for your requirement and then run python test.py for test.

4. Convert to ONNX model

Change the model_path in pytorch_to_onnx.py then run python pytorch_to_onnx.py for convert.

5. Convert ONNX model to Engine

It needs the onnx-tensorrt package.

Then run

onnx2engine your_onnx_model.onnx -o your_engine_name.engine

for convert.

6. Test the engine file

Change the model dir in engine_test.py or engine_trt.py the run python engine_test.py or python engine_trt.py for engine test.