This is a minimalist e-commerce website built with Nextjs and CSS. You can find different products in each category and add them into your shopping cart.
👉🏻 Live Demo
- This application was built using Next.js, React Hooks (useState, useContext,useReducer, useEffects, useCallback), Firebase realtime database, React icons, etc.
- Custom hook (useHttp) to fetch data from Firebase dynamically.
- Global context for shopping cart
- Categories component to filter search results based on type.
- Dynamic Routes with
- Fonts with
- Icons with Font Awesome 5
- Responsive design
- Shopping Cart
- Notifications
- Navbar
- Product detail page
- Trendings
- Categories
- Home page
This project was made possible because of a GitHub repository which I got the idea and data from, and then made it from scratch (both React components and styles). Please give it a star :) ⭐️