Manage My Files

The repo is a collection of regulation to manage my personal files. First there are some golden rules to follow:

  1. The stored information must have a chance to be retrieved sometimes later. If not, DELETE it right away.
  2. Simplistic

Root Folder

There should be one root file folder, everything is in this folder and follow the Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive rule.

  • working today, now, someday, nolimit

  • done work files which has a project name naming rules:

    • start_date: in yymmdd format

    • org

    • assigned by who

    • project name

TODD: How to deal with the bienail projects?

  • documents work files which is project unrelated. I decided to classify those documents into some catagories.

    • disease control and prevention system

    • geolocation(think about it twice)

    • ml

    • programming

    • research

  • personal non-work related personal files

  • research

    • papers

    • citations

    • projects

  • data

  • family

    • micah

    • emily

  • life (optional)

Use git to track the meta data of the folder information.

Official Files Naming Regulations

Rename files based on their most useful file infomations, including:

  • file types
  • by which organization
  • on when
  • and the file title

In specific, File Type includes:

  • r for reports

  • d for official documents

  • n for notifications

  • p for plans


  • pr for presentation

  • v for video

  • sp for speaks


Use Hazel to Rename folders

Use Karabanor element to remap keys

Use Mendely to Watch the papers

  • Download papers into ~/Downloads/papers
  • Download references into ~/Qsync/research/reference

Qsync for file sync and bakcup