
A field for Laravel Nova that generates summarized text from another text field by using Meaning Cloud's API

Primary LanguageVue


A field for Laravel Nova that generates summarized text from another text field by using Meaning Cloud's API

This packages requires an account on Meaninccloud.com (don't worry, it's free)


You can install the package in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer:

$ composer require septIO/LaravelNovaMeaningCloud

In your .env file add the following line:

MEANINGCLOUD_KEY=[Your Meaning Cloud API key]


Import the field into your Nova resource:

use Septio\LaravelMeaningcloud\LaravelMeaningcloud;

Add the field to your fields[] array:

public function fields(Request $request)
        return [
            //... Rest of fields

The Field needs 2 inputs: make("table column"), as usual, the make refers to the column on the table which this field writes/reads from.

from("Other Field Name") is the field which the text summarization should ready from.

sentences(x) is optional. If set to a number, then the text from from() will be summarized in x amount of sentences. Default is 3


Let's setup a simple blog

public function fields(Request $request){
    return [
        Trix::make("body"), // We'll use the builtin Trix editor for the body

The from needs to match the placeholder if the referenced field, not the name. The reason for this is shown in the next example.

Let's change the display name of the body field:

public function fields(Request $request){
    return [
        Trix::make("Text to display", "body"), // Now "Body" doesn't work anymore
        LaravelMeaningCloud::make("resume")->from("Text to display"), // We'll have to use "Text to display"


This tool is reliable on AI from Meaninccloud.com, so results may wary.