Truffle v5.3.0 (core: 5.3.0) Solidity - ^0.4.24 (solc-js) Node v14.15.4 Web3.js v1.2.9

Libraries truffle-hdwallet-provider 1.0.17 Used to deploy the contract on Rinkeby Testnet

Runing the project From the terminal, inside the project folder, run:

npm run dev

Then allow metamask permission and connect to the Rinkeby Testnet

ADDRESS WALLET - 0x9D55012fC201a4d171c0304fE2358f3DD1922FB7

TRANSACTIONID - 0x1d3d8a85f726ab74752064e9146b2cd8abcca2f818dbda9e7951f8b89a094b03

CONTRACT - 0xfFF076305C20Db1aCbF41EF834d79dea874E7E3E