Help with adding Seq implementation of FASTQ count and BED coverage
jelber2 opened this issue · 9 comments
This might be interest to promote the utility of the Seq language. Heng Li and others are benchmarking different programming languages to perform some standard bioinformatics functions such as counting number of reads and bases in a FASTQ file and calculating coverage between two bed files. I wrote a very, very simple FASTQ counter for Seq (lh3/biofast#15). A bed coverage functions is a little more complicated but would be great given commit 5926893 in the development branch that adds a native BED file parser.
It might be nice to improve upon what I did and add a BED coverage code through a formal pull request.
Hey @jelber2, thanks for the suggestions -- that sounds like a great idea! Let me take a look at those benchmarks and see if I can come up with a Seq version.
So the FASTQ implementation looks good -- you can also try FASTQ(..., validate=False)
to make it slightly faster. The Seq version is still somewhat slower than C here because in the Seq version there is an additional copy that is done. I think we can look into adding a copy=False
option like we have for FASTA.
Here's a first attempt at an implementation for the BED benchmark (confirmed it gives correct results on biofast's test data):
# cgranges implementation adapted from
type StackCell(_x: int, _k: i32, _w: i32):
def __init__(self: StackCell, k: int, x: int, w: int) -> StackCell:
return (x, i32(k), i32(w))
def k(self: StackCell):
return int(self._k)
def x(self: StackCell):
return int(self._x)
def w(self: StackCell):
return int(self._w)
type Interval(st: int, en: int, max: int):
def __init__(self: Interval, st: int, en: int) -> Interval:
return (st, en, en)
def with_max(self: Interval, max: int) -> Interval:
return (, self.en, max)
def start(self: Interval):
return int(
def end(self: Interval):
return int(self.en)
class IntervalTree:
a: list[Interval]
max_level: int
def __init__(self: IntervalTree):
self.a = list[Interval]()
self.max_level = 0
def _index_core(a: list[Interval]):
if not a:
return -1
N = len(a)
i = 0
last_i = 0 # last_i points to the rightmost node in the tree
last = 0 # last is the max value at node last_i
while i < N: # leaves (i.e. at level 0)
last_i = i
ai = a[i]
last = ai.en
a[i] = ai.with_max(last)
i += 2
k = 1
while (1 << k) <= N:
x = 1 << (k - 1)
i0 = (x << 1) - 1
step = x << 2
i = i0
while i < N: # traverse all nodes at level k
el = a[i - x].max # max value of left child
er = a[i + x].max if i + x < N else last # of the right child
e = a[i].en
e = e if e > el else el
e = e if e > er else er
a[i] = a[i].with_max(e) # set the max value for node i
i += step
last_i = last_i - x if last_i >> k & 1 else last_i + x # last_i now points to the parent of the original last_i
if last_i < N and a[last_i].max > last: # update last accordingly
last = a[last_i].max
k += 1
return k - 1
def add(self: IntervalTree, start: int, end: int):
self.a.append(Interval(start, end))
def index(self: IntervalTree):
self.max_level = IntervalTree._index_core(self.a)
def overlap(self: IntervalTree, start: int, end: int):
a = self.a
st = start
en = end
stack = __array__[StackCell](64)
t = 0
stack[t] = StackCell(self.max_level, (1 << self.max_level) - 1, 0) # push the root; this is a top down traversal
t += 1
while t: # the following guarantees that numbers in out[] are always sorted
t -= 1
z = stack[t]
if z.k <= 3: # we are in a small subtree; traverse every node in this subtree
i0 = z.x >> z.k << z.k
i1 = i0 + (1 << (z.k + 1)) - 1
if i1 >= len(a):
i1 = len(a)
i = i0
while i < i1 and a[i].st < en:
if st < a[i].en: # if overlap, append to out[]
yield a[i]
i += 1
elif z.w == 0: # if left child not processed
y = z.x - (1 << (z.k - 1)) # the left child of z.x; NB: y may be out of range (i.e. y>=a.size())
stack[t] = StackCell(z.k, z.x, 1) # re-add node z.x, but mark the left child having been processed
t += 1
if y >= len(a) or a[y].max > st: # push the left child if y is out of range or may overlap with the query
stack[t] = StackCell(z.k - 1, y, 0)
t += 1
elif z.x < len(a) and a[z.x].st < en: # need to push the right child
if st < a[z.x].en: # test if z.x overlaps the query; if yes, append to out[]
yield a[z.x]
stack[t] = StackCell(z.k - 1, z.x + (1 << (z.k - 1)), 0) # push the right child
t += 1
def __len__(self: IntervalTree):
return len(self.a)
def __bool__(self: IntervalTree):
return len(self) > 0
def __getitem__(self: IntervalTree, idx: int):
return self.a[idx]
def start(self: IntervalTree, idx: int):
return self.a[idx].st
def end(self: IntervalTree, idx: int):
return self.a[idx].en
from sys import argv
from time import timing
with timing('bed coverage'):
bed = dict[str, IntervalTree]()
for record in BED(argv[1]):
if record.chrom not in bed:
bed[record.chrom] = IntervalTree()
bed[record.chrom].add(record.chrom_start, record.chrom_end)
for tree in bed.values():
for record in BED(argv[2]):
if record.chrom not in bed:
print f'{record.chrom}\t{record.chrom_start}\t{record.chrom_end}\t0\t0'
cov, cov_st, cov_en, n = 0, 0, 0, 0
st1, en1 = record.chrom_start, record.chrom_end
for item in bed[record.chrom].overlap(st1, en1):
n += 1
# calcualte overlap length/coverage
st0, en0 = item.start, item.end
if st0 < st1: st0 = st1
if en0 > en1: en0 = en1
if st0 > cov_en: # no overlap with previous found intervals
# set coverage to current interval
cov += cov_en - cov_st
cov_st, cov_en = st0, en0
elif cov_en < en0: cov_en = en0 #overlap with previous found intervals
#only need to check end, since 'out' is a sorted list
cov += cov_en - cov_st
# print chrom, start, end, count, # of coverage nt
print f'{record.chrom}\t{record.chrom_start}\t{record.chrom_end}\t{n}\t{cov}'
This one is currently noticeably slower then the C version on the biofast repo (but I'd expect it to be a lot faster than the Python/PyPy versions -- haven't tried it though). I think there are a few things we can do here to speed it up; ideally we can add an improved IntervalTree
to the standard library that uses array
instead of list
, and avoid several duplicate dictionary lookups in the actual query code (we're looking into adding some compiler optimizations for this, since duplicate dictionary lookups are a pretty common pattern in Python but can have a big performance impact).
Edit: copy=False, validate=False
on the BED
parser makes it about 50% faster.
Oh wow! Interesting, so with copy=False
and validate=False
, it is on par with the C version?
Edit: I tried
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("Usage: fqcnt <in.fq.gz>")
fn = sys.argv[1]
n, slen, qlen = 0, 0, 0
for r in FASTQ(fn,validate=False):
n += 1
slen += len(
qlen += len(r.qual)
print f'{n}\t{slen}\t{qlen}'
Which is twice as fast as validate=True
, but adding copy=False
results in the following on Seq 0.9.7
ValueError: cannot iterate over FASTQ records with copy=False
raised from: __iter__
Aborted (core dumped)
I just added the IntervalTree
to the standard library with ecc5ee6. Benchmarks are also under the test/bench
folder now:
- FASTQ counter:
- BED coverage:
That commit also makes the bedcov benchmark substantially faster by fixing some inefficiencies in the BED parser. I'm still working on making these even faster -- including proper copy=False
for FASTQ!
Oh cool! Will there be a new release soon of Seq
maybe 0.9.8?
Yes we're working on the new release now actually. It'll most likely be 0.10, as we're planning on introducing an improved type system that further closes the gap with Python.
Sounds great!
Just checking if copy=False has been enabled or not in 0.9.10? As far as I can tell it has not been enabled.