
Latvian rockyou.txt database

Primary LanguagePython

Latvian rockyou.txt database

This project has been created for educational purposes. The project aims to educate society on how quickly easily passwords can be brute-forced if they lack complexity.


We collected combo lists that are available on (semi-)clear web, modified them according to the basic e-mail/username:plaintext password structure, and used rockit.py to do the rest. Passwords are filtered based on TLD .lv. The output contains only those passwords that have been used at least twice — minimizing the risk of exposing personally identifiable information.

Statistics for 2024-02-18

Statistic Value
Total lines processed 165684182
Total data processed (MB) 5177.18
Previous .lv TLD count 440389
New .lv TLD count 170202
Difference in .lv TLD count -270187
Previous rockyou-lv count 38662
New rockyou-lv count 15287
Difference in rockyou-lv count -23375
Processing time (seconds) 63.42

Top 10 .lv TLD Email Providers

Rank Provider Occurrences
1 inbox.lv 128642
2 one.lv 12066
3 tvnet.lv 4984
4 apollo.lv 2305
5 navigator.lv 1132
6 e-apollo.lv 1100
7 delfi.lv 1063
8 balticom.lv 494
9 latnet.lv 477
10 lu.lv 272


If you wish to contribute by improving the code, just create a pull request.

If you think you have data that would be beneficial to the list, let us know.


www.seq.lv - root@seq.lv

Nils Putnins, OSCP — np@seq.lv