A proposal for the usage of Sequelize within an Express.JS application.
- 2
Contributing and Maintaining information
#112 opened by BenjDG - 2
dynamic imports do not work for defining models
#116 opened by kjoedion - 7
Stop using `sequelize.import`
#99 opened by papb - 1
Add examples of associations
#106 opened by papb - 2
I'm receiving a ERROR: sequelize is not defined
#102 opened by magacho - 9
- 0
Should the directory structure be updated to adapt to the directory structure of Sequelize CLI?
#109 opened by howiezhao - 0
enable Travis CI / Circle CI
#83 opened by DanielRuf - 1
upsert route
#108 opened by golimarrrr - 0
nodemon index.js doesn't work
#107 opened by lanniec - 2
Starter kit not suited for newbies
#73 opened by gaspaonrocks - 3
Add seed data
#59 opened by MoezGholami - 4
- 1
How to use the transaction?
#103 opened by kiaxseventh - 6
- 2
Add TypeScript Example
#104 opened by Keimeno - 3
duplicate foreignKey when using sequelize.sync()
#90 opened by tonghoai - 2
how to use DataType from req.body
#88 opened by ninjasun - 8
Why we need to define structure of database TWICE?
#87 opened by webman - 2
- 1
Setup not working
#72 opened by Aditya94A - 4
More documenation!
#70 opened by Aditya94A - 7
Update example to use sequelize v4
#67 opened by janmeier - 1
404 Not Found for new routes
#61 opened by yarnball - 5
ES5 syntax
#53 opened by Anomnimel - 4
npm install error
#89 opened by xiaohp - 3
Update this repo
#98 opened by IgorSzymanski - 9
Packaging with Electron
#71 opened by aprilmintacpineda - 1
- 3
cannot read 'prototype' of undefined
#64 opened by TijmenH - 3
Why export Sequelize?
#69 opened by psaeuerl - 1
'sequenlize' is not recognized
#63 opened by bhaumikpandhi - 2
- 1
Using folder controllers
#60 opened by ahelord - 3
Can I ask a question?
#58 opened by lxiaoixi - 2
Association via classMethods doesn't work
#56 opened by bwoodlt - 2
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Migrations and model syncing
#32 opened by badsyntax - 1
Task migration missing UserId foreign key
#51 opened by dgobaud - 1
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Fail to run on Heroku
#40 opened by wenwei63029869 - 2
I don't know create api is fail
#42 opened by yaodehaung - 0
Sqlite and running tests
#30 opened by muhamed-didovic - 0
run npm test failed
#39 opened by huguangju - 0
npm test 'Error: no test specified'
#41 opened by zenithtekla - 1
[Question] sequalize instances
#35 opened by markelog - 1
Wrong API on migrations
#28 opened by andymaster01 - 0
Issue when used with jxcore
#27 opened by zeeshanjan82 - 2
Sequelize-cli creates nothing
#36 opened by mauricioklein