ant-tools ========= ant-tools facilitates the extraction of variant annotation from the .ant files produced by Illumina sequencing applications. Requirements: git Python 2.7 Build Requirements: mono (including source) glibc Recommended System Requirements: > 8GB RAM Usage: antFileName [--validate] [--stats] [--all] [--bedout] [--range=RANGE] [--bed=BED_PATH] antFileName: the fully qualified path to the .ant file. Options: --validate: validates that the ANT file is in the correct structure. --stats: provides a summary of annotation version, contents, etc. --all: specifies that empty records (i.e. no annotation) should be included in the output. --bedout: specifies that the output should be BED-like in format, i.e. CHROM START STOP {JSON_DATA} --range=RANGE: allows the specification of a range over which to dump annotations, where RANGE is: CHR:START-STOP. --bed=BED_PATH: specifies an input BED file indicating the regions for which to export annotation. Installation: From a command prompt: git clone ant-tools ships with precompiled binaries for major Linux distributions. If a binary does not exist or is incompatible with your distro, you must manually build ant-tools. Build Instructions: - If you don't already have a working mono dev env, download and install the mono MDK from - depending on your environment, you may need to update so that MONO_SOURCE_DIR reflects your environment. - from a command prompt, execute: git clone cd ant-tools source