
Primary LanguagePython

Sly Llama

Sly LLama is a lightweight library for quickly prototyping large language model (llm) applications and is not intended for serious use.

Sly Llama provides the @llm_call decorator for turning python functions into llm calls and utility classes to parse the llm output with the Sly Lexer class and pydantic.

Be warned both sly-llama and sly abuse python syntax, your IDE will not be happy.


from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from sly_llama import llm_call

llm = OpenAI()

def add(x: str, y: str) -> int:
    calculate {x} + {y}
    only return the number and nothing else

add(40, 2)
#> 42

Note the doc string of the function is an f-string with inputs matching the function parameters. The @llm_call(lm) decorator:

  • takes the llm function as input ( this can be any function that takes and returns strings)
  • formats the doc string of the function with its parameters to generate the prompt
  • calls llm(promtp) to generate an output
  • attempts to coerce the output into the type in function return annotation, in this case an int
from pydantic import BaseModel

class AddOutput(BaseModel):
    answer: int

    def from_llm_output(cls, llm_output: str):
        output = {'answer' : int(llm_output.strip())}
        return cls.parse_obj(output)

def add(x: str, y: str) -> AddOutput:
    calculate {x} + {y}
    only return the number and nothing else

add(40, 2)
#> AddOutput(answer=42)

The return type can be any python class. If the class has a from_llm_output method @llm_call will pass the output to this method to construct the target class, otherwise it will call the class directly on the output.

The motivation of this library is to provide simple utilities to quickly prototype llm applications without burying the execution chain and output parsing deep in the application. As such a functional approach is preferred over OOP.

For a more complex example using the Sly Lexer for token parsing see the implementation of the MRKL Agent in mrkl_agent.py.