
CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN. Can output to various formats.

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CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN.

It is a tool like q, textql and others.

The difference from these tools is that the syntax of PostgreSQL or MySQL can be used.

Please refer to godoc and _example for usage as a library.



1.1. go get

$ go get -d github.com/noborus/trdsql
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/noborus/trdsql
$ make
$ make install

1.1.1. Requirements

go 1.17 or higher.

1.2. Download binary

Download binary from the releases page(Linux/Windows/macOS).

1.3. Homebrew

brew install noborus/tap/trdsql

1.4. MacPorts

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install trdsql

1.5. FreeBSD


pkg install trdsql

2. Docker

2.1. Docker pull

Pull the latest image from the Docker hub.

docker pull noborus/trdsql

2.2. image build

Or build it yourself.

docker build -t trdsql .

2.3. Docker Run

Docker run.

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/tmp trdsql [options and commands]

3. Usage

trdsql [options] SQL

3.1. global options

  • -a filename analyze the file and suggest SQL.
  • -A filename analyze the file but only suggest SQL.
  • -config filename configuration file location.
  • -db db name specify db name of the setting.
  • -dblist display db list of configure.
  • -driver string database driver. [ mysql | postgres | sqlite3 ]
  • -dsn string database driver specific data source name.
  • -debug debug print.
  • -help display usage information.
  • -version display version information.
  • -q filename read query from the specified file.

3.2. Input formats

  • -ig guess format from extension. (default)
  • -icsv CSV format for input.
  • -ijson JSON format for input.
  • -iltsv LTSV format for input.
  • -itbln TBLN format for input.

3.2.1. Input options

  • -ih the first line is interpreted as column names(CSV only).

  • -id character field delimiter for input. (default ",")(CSV only)

  • -ijq string jq expression string for input(JSON/JSONL only).

  • -ilr int limited number of rows to read.

  • -inull string value(string) to convert to null on input.

  • -ir int number of rows to preread. (default 1)

  • -is int skip header row.

3.3. Output formats

  • -ocsv CSV format for output. (default)
  • -ojson JSON format for output.
  • -ojsonl JSONL(JSON Lines) format for output.
  • -oltsv LTSV format for output.
  • -oat ASCII Table format for output.
  • -omd Markdown format for output.
  • -oraw Raw format for output.
  • -ovf Vertical format for output.
  • -otbln TBLN format for output.

Or, guess the output format by file name.

3.3.1. Output options

  • -out filename output file name.
  • -out-without-guess output without guessing (when using -out).
  • -oh output column name as header.
  • -od character field delimiter for output. (default ",")(CSV and RAW only).
  • -oq character quote character for output. (default """)(CSV only).
  • -oaq enclose all fields in quotes for output(CSV only).
  • -ocrlf use CRLF for output. End each output line with '\r\n' instead of '\n'.")(CSV only).
  • -onowrap do not wrap long columns(AT and MD only).
  • -onull value(string) to convert from null on output.

3.4. Handling of NULL

NULL is undecided in many text formats. JSON null is considered the same as SQL NULL. For formats other than JSON, you must specify a string that is considered NULL. In most cases you will need to specify an empty string ("").

If -inull "" is specified, an empty string will be treated as SQL NULL.

SQL NULL is an empty string by default. Specify the -onull "(NULL)" option if you want a different string.

$ echo "1,,v" | trdsql -inull "" -onull "(NULL)" "SELECT * FROM -"

In the case of JSON, null is NULL as it is, and the specified string is converted to NULL.

$ echo '[1,null,""]' | trdsql -inull "" -ojson -ijson "SELECT * FROM -"
    "c1": "1"
    "c1": null
    "c1": null

4. Example

test.csv file.


Please write a file name like a table name.

trdsql "SELECT * FROM test.csv"

-q filename can execute SQL from file

trdsql -q test.sql

4.1. STDIN input

"-" or "stdin" is received from standard input instead of file name.

ps | trdsql -id " " "SELECT * FROM -"


ps | trdsql -id " " "SELECT * FROM stdin"

4.2. Multiple files

Multiple matched files can be executed as one table.

$ trdsql -ih "SELECT * FROM tt*.csv"

Note: It is not possible to mix different formats (ex: CSV and LTSV).

4.3. Compressed files

If the file is compressed with gzip, bz2, zstd, lz4, xz, it will be automatically uncompressed.

trdsql "SELECT * FROM testdata/test.csv.gz"
trdsql "SELECT * FROM testdata/test.csv.zst"

It is possible to mix uncompressed and compressed files using wildcards.

trdsql "SELECT * FROM testdata/test.csv*"

4.4. Output file

-out filename option to output the file to a file.

trdsql -out result.csv "SELECT * FROM testdata/test.csv ORDER BY c1"

4.5. Output compression

-oz compression type to compress and output.

trdsql -oz gz "SELECT * FROM testdata/test.csv ORDER BY c1" > result.csv.gz

4.6. Guess by output file name

The filename of -out filename option determines the output format(csv, ltsv, json, tbln, raw, md, at, vf, jsonl) and compression format(gzip, bz2, zstd,lz4, xz) by guess.

Guess by extension output format + output compression (eg .csv.gz, .ltsv.lz4, .md.zst ...).

The following is an LTSV file compressed in zstd.

trdsql -out result.ltsv.zst "SELECT * FROM testdata/test.csv"

4.7. Columns is not constant

If the number of columns is not a constant, read and decide multiple rows.

$ trdsql -ir 3 -iltsv "SELECT * FROM test_indefinite.ltsv"

4.8. TSV (Tab Separated Value)

-id "\\t" is input from TSV (Tab Separated Value)

1	Orange
2	Melon
3	Apple
trdsql -id "\t" "SELECT * FROM test-tab.csv"

-od "\\t" is TSV (Tab Separated Value) output.

$ trdsql -od "\t" "SELECT * FROM test.csv"
1	Orange
2	Melon
3	Apple

4.9. LTSV (Labeled Tab-separated Values)

-iltsv is input from LTSV(Labeled Tab-separated Values).


id:1	name:Orange	price:50
id:2	name:Melon	price:500
id:3	name:Apple	price:100
trdsql -iltsv "SELECT * FROM sample.ltsv"

Note: Only the columns in the first row are targeted.

-oltsv is LTSV(Labeled Tab-separated Values) output.

$ trdsql -iltsv -oltsv "SELECT * FROM sample.ltsv"
id:1	name:Orange	price:50
id:2	name:Melon	price:500
id:3	name:Apple	price:100

4.10. JSON

-ijson is input from JSON.


    "id": "1",
    "name": "Orange",
    "price": "50"
    "id": "2",
    "name": "Melon",
    "price": "500"
    "id": "3",
    "name": "Apple",
    "price": "100"
$ trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM sample.json"

JSON can contain structured types, but trdsql is stored as it is as JSON string.


      "id": 1,
      "name": "Drolet",
      "attribute": { "country": "Maldives", "color": "burlywood" }
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Shelly",
      "attribute": { "country": "Yemen", "color": "plum" }
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Tuck",
      "attribute": { "country": "Mayotte", "color": "antiquewhite" }
$ trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM sample2.json"

Please use SQL function.

$ trdsql -ijson "SELECT id, name, JSON_EXTRACT(attribute,'$country'), JSON_EXTRACT(attribute,'$color') FROM sample2.json"

4.10.1. jq expression

If json has a hierarchy, you can filter by jq expression.

The jq expression is implemented using gojq.


	"menu": {
		"id": "file",
		"value": "File",
		"popup": {
			"menuitem": [
					"value": "New",
					"onclick": "CreateDoc()"
					"value": "Open",
					"onclick": "OpenDoc()"
					"value": "Save",
					"onclick": "SaveDoc()"

You can write a jq expression by connecting :: after the json file name. Enclose the jq expression in double quotes if needed.

trdsql -oat 'SELECT value, onclick FROM menu.json::".menu.popup.menuitem"'

Or specify with the -ijq option.

$ trdsql -oat -ijq ".menu.popup.menuitem" "SELECT * FROM menu.json"
| value |   onclick   |
| New   | CreateDoc() |
| Open  | OpenDoc()   |
| Save  | SaveDoc()   |

Example to use instead of gojq.

$ echo '{"foo": 128}' | trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM -::'.foo'"
$ echo '{"a": {"b": 42}}' | trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM -::'.a.b'"
$ echo '{"id": "sample", "10": {"b": 42}}' | trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM -::'{(.id): .[\"10\"].b}'"
$ echo '[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3}]' | trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM -::'.[] | .id'"
$ echo '{"a":1,"b":2}' | trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM -::'.a += 1 | .b *= 2'"
$ echo '{"a":1} [2] 3' | trdsql -ijson "SELECT * FROM -::'. as {\$a} ?// [\$a] ?// \$a | \$a'"

4.11. JSONL

Another json format. JSONL(JSON Lines).


{"id": "1","name": "Orange","price": "50"}
{"id": "2","name": "Melon","price": "500"}
{"id": "3","name": "Apple","price": "100"}

-ojson is JSON Output.

$ trdsql -ojson "SELECT * FROM test.csv"
    "c1": "1",
    "c2": "Orange"
    "c1": "2",
    "c2": "Melon"
    "c1": "3",
    "c2": "Apple"

To output in JSONL, specify -ojsonl.

$ trdsql -ojsonl "SELECT * FROM test.csv"

4.12. TBLN

-itbln is input from TBLN.


; name: | id | name |
; type: | int | text |
| 1 | Bob |
| 2 | Alice |
$ trdsql -itbln "SELECT * FROM sample.tbln"

TBLN file reflects extras name and type.

-otbln is TBLN Output.

$ trdsql -otbln "SELECT c1::int as id, c2::text as name FROM test.csv"
; created_at: 2019-03-22T13:20:31+09:00
; name: | id | name |
; type: | int | text |
| 1 | Orange |
| 2 | Melon |
| 3 | Apple |

TBLN can contain column names and type definitions. Please refer to https://tbln.dev/ for details of TBLN.

4.13. Raw output

-oraw is Raw Output. It is used when "escape processing is unnecessary" in CSV output. (For example, when outputting JSON in the database).

$ trdsql -oraw "SELECT row_to_json(t,TRUE) FROM test.csv AS t"

Multiple delimiter characters can be used for raw.

$ trdsql -oraw -od "\t|\t" -db pdb "SELECT * FROM test.csv"
1	|	Orange
2	|	Melon
3	|	Apple

4.14. ASCII Table & MarkDown output

-oat is ASCII table output.

$ trdsql -oat "SELECT * FROM test.csv"
| C1 |   C2   |
|  1 | Orange |
|  2 | Melon  |
|  3 | Apple  |

-omd is Markdown output.

$ trdsql -omd "SELECT * FROM test.csv"
| C1 |   C2   |
|  1 | Orange |
|  2 | Melon  |
|  3 | Apple  |

The -onowrap option does not wrap long columns in at or md output.

4.15. Vertical format output

-ovf is Vertical format output("column name | value" vertically).

$ trdsql -ovf "SELECT * FROM test.csv"
---[ 1]--------------------------------------------------------
  c1 | 1
  c2 | Orange
---[ 2]--------------------------------------------------------
  c1 | 2
  c2 | Melon
---[ 3]--------------------------------------------------------
  c1 | 3
  c2 | Apple

4.16. SQL function

$ trdsql "SELECT count(*) FROM test.csv"

The default column names are c1, c2,...

$ trdsql "SELECT c2,c1 FROM test.csv"

"- ih" sets the first line to column name

$ ps |trdsql -ih -oh -id " " "SELECT \`PID\`, \`TTY\`, \`TIME\`, \`CMD\` FROM -"

Note: the available functions and their syntax depend on the driver you have chosen (mysql or postgres or sqlite). The default one is sqlite.

4.17. JOIN

The SQL JOIN can be used.




$ trdsql "SELECT u.c1,u.c2,h.c2 FROM user.csv as u LEFT JOIN hist.csv as h ON(u.c1=h.c1)"

4.18. PostgreSQL

When using PostgreSQL, specify postgres for driver and driver-specific data source name for dsn.

trdsql -driver postgres -dsn "dbname=test" "SELECT count(*) FROM test.csv "

4.18.1. Function

The PostgreSQL driver can use the window function.

$ trdsql -driver postgres -dsn "dbname=test" "SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY c2),c1,c2 FROM test.csv"

For example, the generate_series function can be used.

$ trdsql -driver postgres -dsn "dbname=test" "SELECT generate_series(1,3);"

4.18.2. Join table and CSV file is possible

Test database has a colors table.

$ psql test -c "SELECT * FROM colors"
 id |  name  
  1 | orange
  2 | green
  3 | red
(3 rows)

Join table and CSV file.

$ trdsql -driver postgres -dsn "dbname=test" "SELECT t.c1,t.c2,c.name FROM test.csv AS t LEFT JOIN colors AS c ON (t.c1::int = c.id)"

To create a table from a file, use "CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT...".

trdsql -driver postgres -dns "dbname=test" "CREATE TABLE fruits (id, name) AS SELECT c1::int, c2 FROM fruits.csv "
$ psql -c "SELECT * FROM fruits;"
 id |  name  
  1 | Orange
  2 | Melon
  3 | Apple
(3 rows)

4.19. MySQL

When using MySQL, specify mysql for driver and connection information for dsn.

$ trdsql -driver mysql -dsn "user:password@/test" "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(c2 ORDER BY c2 DESC) FROM testdata/test.csv"
$ trdsql -driver mysql -dsn "user:password@/test" "SELECT c1, SHA2(c2,224) FROM test.csv"

MySQL can join tables and CSV files as well as PostgreSQL.

4.20. Analyze

The -a filename option parses the file and outputs table information and SQL examples.

$ trdsql -a testdata/test.ltsv
The table name is testdata/header.csv.
The file type is CSV.

Data types:
| column name | type |
| id          | text |
| \`name\`    | text |

Data samples:
| id | \`name\` |
|  1 | Orange   |

trdsql -db sdb -ih "SELECT id, \`name\` FROM testdata/header.csv"
trdsql -db sdb -ih "SELECT id, \`name\` FROM testdata/header.csv WHERE id = '1'"
trdsql -db sdb -ih "SELECT id, count(id) FROM testdata/header.csv GROUP BY id"
trdsql -db sdb -ih "SELECT id, \`name\` FROM testdata/header.csv ORDER BY id LIMIT 10"

Other options(-id,-ih,-ir,-is,icsv,iltsv,-ijson,-itbln...) are available.

trdsql -ih -a testdata/header.csv

Similarly, with -A filename option, only Examples (SQL) is output.

$ trdsql -ih -A testdata/header.csv
trdsql -ih "SELECT id, \`name\` FROM testdata/header.csv"
trdsql -ih "SELECT id, \`name\` FROM testdata/header.csv WHERE id = '1'"
trdsql -ih "SELECT id, count(id) FROM testdata/header.csv GROUP BY id"
trdsql -ih "SELECT id, \`name\` FROM testdata/header.csv ORDER BY id LIMIT 10"

4.21. configuration

You can specify driver and dsn in the configuration file.

Unix like.


Windows (ex).


Or use the -config file option.

$ trdsql -config config.json "SELECT * FROM test.csv"

sample: config.json

  "db": "pdb",
  "database": {
    "sdb": {
      "driver": "sqlite3",
      "dsn": ""
    "pdb": {
      "driver": "postgres",
      "dsn": "user=test dbname=test"
    "mdb": {
      "driver": "mysql",
      "dsn": "user:password@/dbname"

The default database is an entry of "db".

If you put the setting in you can specify the name with -db.

$ trdsql -debug -db pdb "SELECT * FROM test.csv"
2017/07/18 02:27:47 driver: postgres, dsn: user=test dbname=test
2017/07/18 02:27:47 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "test.csv" ( c1 text,c2 text );
2017/07/18 02:27:47 INSERT INTO "test.csv" (c1,c2) VALUES ($1,$2);
2017/07/18 02:27:47 SELECT * FROM "test.csv"

5. Library

Example of use as a library.

package main

import (


func main() {
        trd := trdsql.NewTRDSQL(
        err := trd.Exec("SELECT c1 FROM /etc/passwd")
        if err != nil {

Please refer to godoc and _example for usage as a library.

See also psutilsql, which uses trdsql as a library.

6. License


Please check each license of SQL driver.