
LDAP integration for Jasig CAS using the ldaptive library.

Primary LanguageJava

LDAP Integration for Jasig CAS Using ldaptive


The cas-server-integration-ldaptive library is an extension for Jasig CAS that provides LDAP integration using the ldaptive LDAP library for Java. The following CAS integration components are provided: provided at present:

  • LdapAuthenticationHandler - provides capabilities found in both FastBindAuthenticationHandler and BindAuthenticationHandler components.
  • LdapCredentialsToPrincipalResolver - resolves principals via LDAP search.
  • LdapUserDetailsService - Spring Security user details implementation.
  • ConnectionFactoryMonitor - LDAP single connection monitor.
  • PooledConnectionFactoryMonitor - LDAP connection pool monitor.


This project requires CAS 3.5.0 or later, latest ldaptive snapshot, Spring Security and slf4j. See the pom.xml for detailed dependency information.


mvn -DskipTests clean package

Additional configuration is required to build the software with unit tests enabled. The *.samples files provides templates for creating environment-specific files with data and configuration needed to execute tests.