
Simple Web-based power consumption data recording and analysis software.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Web-based power consumption data capture and analysis

Powermon is a simple Django-based Web application for capturing data from a watts up? .net power meter that posts power consumption data to a Web endpoint for collection. Powermon also provides a dashboard for monitoring power use as well as analysis tools to determine and report trends.


  1. Python >=2.7
  2. Django 1.4
  3. NumPy


  1. Extract the source into a location such as /var/www/powermon. This is the application root path, APPLICATION_ROOT.

  2. Create a settings.py in APPLICATION_ROOT/powermon using settings.py.sample as a template.

  3. Install any necessary database integration components for your database platform such as mysql-python or psycopg2.

  4. Provision and initialize database with following command executed from within APPLICATION_ROOT:

     python manage.py syncdb

Be sure to create an admin user when prompted if using the Django admin application (strongly recommended).

  1. Integrate the application with a Web server using, for example, the WSGI framework. The following references are valuable for an Apache+WSGI setup:

Additionally, the following command may be helpful for generating an Apache mod_wsgi configuration:

    python manage.py genapachecfg
  1. Make application static content available to Web server using the following command:

     python manage.py collectstatic