Pinned issues
- 0
- 5
beatoraja 0.8.8 Release
#42 opened by seraxis - 0
- 5
Scorecard renderer for beatoraja
#40 opened by corndogit - 0
Quick modifiers for the Random Trainer
#44 opened by marysiamzawka - 6
- 5
Support for macos?
#41 opened by Catizard - 1
[Request] support for ADPCM encoded WAV files
#37 opened by Buic - 3
- 3
Some Illegal bms are still detected
#35 opened by Winberhouls - 0
- 1
[Request] Reverse Folder Lookup
#26 opened by jasper-teng - 1
- 1
Option to spawn BGA in a separate window
#32 opened by marysiamzawka - 1
Video BGA not affected by Rate Modifier
#33 opened by marysiamzawka - 3
Broken key config screen
#31 opened by crispy-whiskers - 3
Option to skip decide screen
#23 opened by corndogit - 0
Crash on random trainer enable
#27 opened by MatVeiQaaa - 0
Enumerate available resolutions in the Config window instead of using hardcoded options
#25 opened by marysiamzawka - 6
Plays with Rate Modifier on always considered as a No Play Clear on Result screen
#20 opened by marysiamzawka - 7
[Request] Option to add end-caps back to long notes
#21 opened by Buic - 3
Unable to connect Cinnamon IR.
#11 opened by AllanCat - 2
Proposal: JUDGE+
#8 opened by hadronyche - 1
Custom screenshot properties
#13 opened by marysiamzawka - 3
Game won't launch - the return value of "org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwGetJoystickButtons(int)" is null
#15 opened by radiden - 4
- 3
- 0
Custom percentage target
#12 opened by marysiamzawka - 1
Remove illegal check?
#3 opened by hadronyche