
JMX Zabbix bridge

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


	This is the zapcat distribution. For more information, tutorials and
	documentation go to http://www.kjkoster.org/zapcat/.


	This file is part of Zapcat.

    Zapcat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Zapcat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Zapcat.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


	version 1.3-beta:
		- Updates the base64 utilities and junit to their newest versions.
		- Has better text on the web application's index page for the Oracle
		  IAS/OC4J server and for Jetty.
		- Fixes access permissions and JSP syntax for JBoss 4.0.2. (thanks to
		  Pablo Barrionuevo)
		- Now uses the internal JBoss MBean server if deployed a JBoss server.
		  This means that you can see all MBeans that JBoss exposes, not just
		  the platform MBeans.
		- Adds a whilelist feature to regulate what hosts or IP addresses can
		  and cannot connect to the Zapcat agent. (thanks to Tim McCune)

	version 1.2:
		- Introduces a trapper that can push data into the Zabbix server.
		- Fixes an issue where system properties would be ignored by agents
		  during startup. Hard-coded configuration was removed to simplify the
		  agent's interface.
		- Now works with older versions of Zabbix by introducing a switch that
		  allows you to select the Zabbix 1.4 protocol, or the Zabbix 1.1
		  protocol. (thanks to Valeri Felberg) Note that there are some issues
		  with the trigger expression parser in Zabbix 1.1. I have not tested
		  this very well, because I use Zabbix 1.4.
		- Has some unit tests to avoid regression (never enough, though).
		- Introduces a template for Java applications, making it even easier to
		  quickly set up a monitor.
		- Introduces a template for Hibernate, allowing you to track down SQL
		  query storms and database connection leakage.
		- Introduced a template for Tomcat, plus a host definition generator to
		  automatically generate a host definition tailored to your Tomcat
		- Makes the agent reply with ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED for unsupported mbeans or
		  attributes. This makes the logging a lot less verbose and makes it
		  easier to see what the Zapcat agent supports and what not. This is
		  largely thanks to Gerco Dries, who documented the agent protocol on
		  the Zabbix wiki.
		- Introduces agent.version and agent.ping.
		- Makes the agent more robust against query formatting errors.

	version 1.1:
		- Introduces an Openfire XMPP server plugin for Zapcat. (thanks to Guus
		  der Kinderen)
		- Fixes a problem where the agent closed the connection before the
		  Zabbix server had time to send the query.
		- Updates to a newer version of Log4J. (thanks to Guus der Kinderen)
		- Changes the query parser so that square brackets in object names are
		  no longer a problem.
		- Updates the server socket to use NIO. (thanks to Guus der Kinderen)
		- Introduces a servlet for easy integration in servlet containers, such
		  as Tomcat.
		- Introduces a system property to configure the bind address. (thanks
		  to Guus der Kinderen)

    version 1.0:
		- First version. Supports Zabbix agents and composite data.