Steps to create this project:
nvm install 18
- get node 18npm i -g aws-cdk@latest
- install CDK CLIcdk init app --language=typescript
- init empty appnpm i -S dynamodb-onetable @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb
- install runtime dependenciesnpm i -D esbuild@0
- install local bundler- Wrote some code; took maybe 10 minutes.
npm run cdk -- deploy
- deploy to AWS; synthesis took 7 seconds
> cdk deploy
Bundling asset SerbanCdkExampleStack/Lambda/Code/Stage...
cdk.out/bundling-temp-1e2e3f155f2419da5c761ceda245613a42c34d9e49860ee43aafa1fe7b89fbb5/index.js 1.3mb ⚠️
⚡ Done in 63ms
✨ Synthesis time: 7.13s
SerbanCdkExampleStack: deploying... [1/1]
SerbanCdkExampleStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
✅ SerbanCdkExampleStack
✨ Deployment time: 52.13s
aws lambda invoke --function-name SerbanCdkExampleStack-Lambda... out.json
- run Lambda
"StatusCode": 200,
"ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
See out.json for results.