Build Status License: MIT Maintenance

HTTP Server Timings library for Spring Boot 3 projects - Java 17 compatible

This library is based on the HTTP Server Timings spec, which you can find here: The main idea is to be able to determine if any slow downs, bottlenecks or unexpected application issues happened for a request just by looking at the Network Tab on the browser, without the need to look at console logs or installing any tools.


  • Generate response header with traces that will be rendered by the client browser to analyze response times
  • Use as annotation to trace a method, or inject the Tracing interface to trace a block of code


  • add the dependency from maven central:
  • add these Beans to your spring config:
    protected Tracing tracing() {
        return TracingConfig.createTracing();

    protected TracingFilter tracingFilter() {
        return new TracingFilter();
    protected TracingInterceptor tracingInterceptor() {
        return new TracingInterceptor(tracing());


  • Use the @Traceable annotation around a method to generate a metric with the name of the method.
  • or autowire/inject the Tracing interface and use it on a specific block of code




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