
Kullanmaya hazir widget cozumleri -Ready to use widget solutions

Primary LanguageDart

Ready to use widgets

(🇹🇷) Projelerimde yararlı widget çözümleri kullanıyorum ve çoğu zaman orada kalıyor. Bunları hem ben hemde sizden gelenler ile birlikte biriktirip burada toplamak istiyorum. Eğer sizde katılmak isterseniz bu dökümanıokumayı unutmayın.

(🇺🇸)I'm using more usefull widgets on my bussines project or social project so i want to sum up all solutions only one repo with the community. If you want to contiribute or want to add your solitons, please read to rules rules.

List of core widget


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Gradient Container Image
Animated Scale Container Image


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Searchable Dropdown With Paginated Request Gif


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Custom Elevated Button Image
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
AsynchronousButton Gif

Alert Dialog

Name Video(Gif or Image)
Custom Alert Widget Image

Custom Text Field

Name Video(Gif or Image)
Custom Text Field Image


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Dynamic Cool ToolBar Gif


Name Video(Gif or Image)
1- Generic Group Checkbox Gif
------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
2- Generic Group Checkbox Image


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Custom Text Divider Gif


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Custom Scrollbar Gif


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Custom Password Field Gif


Name Video(Gif or Image)
Custom Snackbar Gif

Feature Widget



Widget Slider

Name Readme
WidgetSlider Readme
CSV Chart Readme
Network Dependent Widget https://media.giphy.com/media/GswIOmdIVG0uKbVKF6/giphy.gif

Bottom List Picker

Name Readme
Bottom List Picker Readme