
TikTak: A multistart global optimization algorithm

Primary LanguageFortranMIT LicenseMIT

TikTak v1.0

A multistart global optimization algorithm

Click here to download all files as a zip.


  1. About the program
  2. Executing the program
  3. Description of source files
  4. Description of text files
  5. Description of .dat files
  6. Specifying the objective function

1. About the program

  • The main program for the TikTak global optimization algorithm.
  • This algorithm evolved out of Fatih Guvenen's joint projects with Tony Smith, Serdar Ozkan, Fatih Karahan, Tatjana Kleineberg, and Antoine Arnaud.
  • You can see the description of this algorithm in this paper.
  • The code provided here has been modified from earlier versions by Arun Kandanchatha and Serdar Ozkan. It contains the most efficient implementation of TikTak to date.
  • Great care was taken to make it as compliant with Fortran 90 as possible, but there may be a couple of invocations to Fortran 95 intrinsics.
  • For all bugs please contact serdarozkan@gmail.com (www.serdarozkan.me)

Some features implemented in this version:

  • It has strong single-core performance (as measured by speed and reliability) against several popular global optimization algorithms.
  • The code is written to be run in parallel mode out of the box without requiring any specialized software (MPI, OpenMP, etc.). It can be run both on computer clusters and on fully distributed mixed computational environments by only using a syncing solution like DropBox. For example, the code can be easily run in parallel on a PC running Windows 10 located in Europe and a Mac running OSX located in the United States.
  • For medium- to large-scale problems, its parallel performance scales almost linearly with the number of cores.
  • This implementation of TikTak is asynchronously parallel: you can start N instances at once, and then add M more, then later kill K of them if you need to.
  • One potential issue arises if two CPU cores simultaneously try to access (read or write) the common data files, which can cause the program to crash. Current implementation addresses this issue by having each instance check the availability of data files and wait until they become available.
  • The algorithm has a pre-testing stage which evaluates the objective at M (large) uniformly selected (Sobol quasi-random) points. Because for some of the parameter vectors tried in this stage, the objective function may not be well-defined, so the evaluation returns a default value. In this implementation, if necessary, the code continues to run (up to a very large pre-specified number of points N (“qr_ndraw”)>>M (“legitimate”)) until it evaluates M (“legitimate”) Sobol points at which the objective is actually well defined and a valid value is returned.
  • In the warm-start stage, the user can pre-select the number of restarts for local minimization, call K (“maxpoints”). The code allows the user to add more restarts (say L) with local minimization, and adjusts the blending parameter, \theta, based on K+L total restarts (“state=3” ).
  • When the Nelder-Mead algorithm is used for the local stage, in the later stages of the global optimization, the initial simplex is adjusted (shrunk down) based on the local minima found in previous local minimizations. In particular, the algorithm takes the min and max of the best local minima found so far and uses them as the bounds of the initial simplex in future Nelder-Mead restarts.
  • When DFNLS is used in the local stage, as the global optimization progresses, we restart DFNLS from a smaller initial hyperball to improve efficiency.

Parallel Performance

Here is an example of the scaling performance of TikTak on an SMM estimation problem with 1200+ moments and 7 parameters (taken from Guvenen, Karahan, Ozkan and Song (2021, specification in Table IV, column 2).

The figure below shows the completion time of TikTak against the number of cores used in parallel, with the condition that the objective attained is always within 1% of the single-core value. The log-log plot is almost linear from 1 to 32 cores, with a slope of -0.976 showing almost linear scaling. Doubling the number of cores from 32 to 64 yields a final objective value that exceeds the 1% threshold.

The estimation required about N=1000 restarts (or local optimizations) in the global stage, so these results suggest a heuristic: #core ≤ sqrt(N) (sqrt(1000) ≈ 32), for the number of cores that can be used in parallel with linear scaling and no performance degradation. (Although we found that in this example, using 50 cores still delivered linear scaling without slowdown, so further experimentation is recommended).

Parallel performance figure

2. Executing the program

  • To execute the program, run ./TiktakGlobalSearch <-1|0|1|2|3|4|5> configfile <a|b|d>
  • For help, run ./TiktakGlobalSearch
State Explanation
-1 exit state: end all running instances
0 cold start: The first invocation of the program, that will set up all the parallel helper files. Should always be the parameter when this is the first attempt at solving the problem.
1 warm start: after one process is already running, all helper programs should be invoked using a warm start. User cannot specify a config file for warm starts, thus it can only be called as: ./TiktakGlobalSearch 1 <a
2 update number of Sobol points: update the Sobol point parameters over which to search as well as the local optimizations from these Sobol points, but assume everything else in the config file has not been changed.
3 update number of local minimizations: Increase the number of local minimizations but keep everything else same in the config file. This option uses the results from previously found local minimums.
4 Just evaluate the objective function once for given initial guess in the config file with diagnostic option.
5 Run local minimization once for given initial guess in the config file.

You can choose one of the following algorithms for local minimization. Default is BOBYQA.

Option Local minimization algorithm
a Runs AMOEBA (Simplex algorithm) for local minimization
b Runs BOBYQA (DFNLS algorithm) for local minimization.
d Runs DFPMIN (BFGS Quasi-Newton method) for local minimization

a: amoeba The amoeba routine takes a function of the following form:

    FUNCTION objFunc(theta)
        use genericParams
        use nrtype
        implicit none
        REAL(DP),DIMENSION(p_nx),INTENT(IN) :: theta
        REAL(DP) :: objFunc
    END FUNCTION objFunc

b: bobyq The bobyq routine requires a function named dfovec. From the comments of the bobyq code,

    SUBROUTINE dfovec(n, mv, x, v_err)
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)     :: np, nm
      REAL(DP), DIMENSION(np), INTENT(IN)  :: x
      REAL(DP), DIMENSION(nm),INTENT(OUT) :: v_err

It must provide the values of the vector function v_err(x) : R^n to R^{mv} at the variables X(1),X(2),...,X(N), which are generated automatically in a way that satisfies the bounds given in XL and XU.

d: DFPMIN The DFPMIN procedure minimizes a user-written function Func of two or more independent variables using the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno variant of the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method, using its gradient.

    FUNCTION func(x)
    	 REAL(DP) :: func

3. Description of Fortran source files

These files are specific for the generic search; you are not expected to make any changes.

Source File Description
TiktakGlobalSearch.f90 the main driver program for the search.
genericParams.f90 the parameters that the generic search program needs. Note that we do not put function specific parameters in this file
minimize.f90 this module contains the code for minimization.
nrtype.f90 basic types used in all functions.
simplex.f90 open source code that obtains an m-dimensional simplex centered on the origin. Used for amoeba search
stateControl.f90 module that manages the genericSearch states using file I/O.
utilities.f90 implementation of Sobol and other helper functions.

** These are all specific to the value function being solved. This files needs to be specified by the user.**

Source File Description
objective.f90 the specific objective function being solved. Require the following functions to be defined: objFun, dfovec, obj_initialize, diagnostic. All model specific parameters are also defined within this file.

4. Description of text files

Text File Description
config.txt the configuration file for execution. Input file that needs to be specified by the user.
logfile.txt the log of the program execution---output file.
readme.txt Instructions for using the code.

5. Description of .dat files

.dat File Description
internalConfig.dat a copy of the config.txt file, but for use by parallel instances
seq.dat the number of the last concurrent instance started
lastParam.dat the last initial point being used for local minimization
lastSobol.dat the last Sobol point for which objective function being evaluated
legitSobol.dat number of Sobol points evaluated with objective values less than maximum legitimate objective value (defined in config.txt)
missingSobol.dat Vector of numbers of Sobol points that are not evaluated after finishing evaluation of sobol points (may be due to some instances being stopped). These sobol points are re-visited to be evaluated.
sobol.dat the list of sobol points
sobolFnVal.dat the value of the objective function at each Sobol point
state.dat the current state of the program
x_starts.dat sorted values of sobolFnVal, to be used by local minimization routine to converge to global minimum
searchResults.dat the minimized objective function and associated parameters. Each line corresponds to one set of parameters and show the following info: the instance number running the code, the number of the Sobol point, how many global minima found so far, objective value, and associated parameters.
searchStart.dat the starting point in the local minimization for the associated line in searchResults.dat. Each line shows the following information: the instance number running the code, the number of the Sobol point, parameter values for the starting point.
FinalResults.dat the minimized objective function and associated parameters after running a local minimization around the best global minimum so far one more using BOBYQA. Each line corresponds to one set of parameters and show the following info: the instance number running the code, the number of the Sobol point, objective value, and associated parameters.
FinalStart.dat the best global minimum so far as the starting point for running a local minimization one more using BOBYQA. Each line corresponds to one set of parameters and show the following info: the instance number running the code, the number of the Sobol point, and associated parameters.

6. Specifying the objective function

The objective function should be specified in the file "objective.f90". It requires the following functions and variable to be defined: objFun, dfovec, obj_initialize, diagnostic:

    FUNCTION objFunc(theta)
        use genericParams
        use nrtype
        implicit none
        REAL(DP),DIMENSION(p_nx),INTENT(IN) :: theta
        REAL(DP) :: objFunc
    END FUNCTION objFunc
    SUBROUTINE dfovec(n, mv, x, v_err)
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)     :: np, nm
      REAL(DP), DIMENSION(np), INTENT(IN)  :: x
      REAL(DP), DIMENSION(nm),INTENT(OUT) :: v_err
    SUBROUTINE obj_initialize
       ! This routine is called in the main program. 
       ! It is used to load data in memory or other operations before minimization.
    END SUBROUTINE obj_initialize

    if(diagnostic==1) " Calculate detailed moments or other statistics that are not needed during the minimization"