• chat_app/
    • src/

      • Controllers/
        • ChatController.php
        • MessageController.php
      • Models/
        • Chat.php
        • Message.php
      • Repositories/
        • ChatRepository.php
        • MessageRepository.php
      • app.php
      • dependencies.php
      • routes.php
    • vendor/

    • .env

    • composer.json

    • composer.lock

    • db/

      • chat_app.db

      Documentation for My-Chat-App

Introduction: My-Chat-App is a web-based chat application designed to allow users to create and join chat rooms, and to communicate with each other in real-time. The application uses a RESTful API to manage user interactions and is built using the Slim PHP micro-framework, SQLite database, and Vue.js for the front-end.

Installation: To install My-Chat-App, follow these steps:

-Clone the project from GitHub to your local machine -Install Composer ( -In the root directory of the project, run composer install -Copy the .env.example file to .env and configure the settings as needed -Run the application using a web server (such as Apache or Nginx) or the built-in PHP web server with the command php -S localhost:8000 -t public/ Configuration: -The configuration of the application is handled in the .env file. Here are the available settings:

-APP_NAME: The name of the application (default: "My Chat App") -APP_ENV: The environment the application is running in (default: "development") -APP_DEBUG: Whether or not debugging is enabled (default: true) -DATABASE_PATH: The path to the SQLite database file (default: "db/chat_app.db") Routes: The application has the following routes:

-GET /api/chats: Returns a list of all available chats -POST /api/chats: Creates a new chat -GET /api/chats/{id}: Returns the details of a specific chat -PATCH /api/chats/{id}: Updates the details of a specific chat -DELETE /api/chats/{id}: Deletes a specific chat -GET /api/chats/{id}/messages: Returns a list of messages for a specific chat -POST /api/chats/{id}/messages: Creates a new message in a specific chat -GET /api/users: Returns a list of all registered users -POST /api/users: Registers a new user -GET /api/users/{id}: Returns the details of a specific user -PATCH /api/users/{id}: Updates the details of a specific user -DELETE /api/users/{id}: Deletes a specific user Models: The application has two models:

-Chat: Represents a chat room -Message: Represents a message in a chat room -Repositories: -The application has two repositories:

-ChatRepository: Handles interactions with the Chat model -MessageRepository: Handles interactions with the Message model Controllers: The application has two controllers:

-ChatController: Handles requests related to chats -MessageController: Handles requests related to messages Dependencies: The application has the following dependencies:

Slim PHP micro-framework ( SQLite database Conclusion: My-Chat-App is a simple yet powerful web-based chat application built using the Slim PHP micro-framework, SQLite database,