Weather App

This app uses Weather API to display the current temperature and conditions.


  • Search any city
  • View temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit
  • Set "ideal" temperature, the app will tell you how far away the current temp is from
  • Background image changes based on weather conditions
  • Displays a loading component when waiting on response from weather API

Full project details, here.


  • Set up a blank HTML document with the appropriate links to the JS + CSS files.
  • Write the API functions: Function that takes location and return the weather data for that location
  • Write the functions that process the JSON data you’re getting from the API and return an object with only the data you require for your app.
  • Display the information on your webpage
  • Add styling
  • Optional: add a ‘loading’ component

Additional Tasks

Old Task List
  • Add event listener + logic for temp switch
  • Styling
    • Update background (& schemes) based on weather
      • Add transition effect
    • Celebration surprise when it's the ideal temp
  • API
    • Better sanitization and handling?
  • Footer:
    • Adjust visited/active link colors