Thriver is a wellness tracker that anyone can use to practice mindfulness and look inwards to find peace. By reflecting on the day, setting goals for oneself, and checking in on one's emotions, a user can improve their overall mental health and wellbeing. Users can also look back and see how they've progressed.
Author: Serena Entezary
Built with:
Ruby 2.3.4 (originally 2.3.3, still a work in progress to make sure everything has been updated)
Rails 5.1.2 - Backend Framework
React 16.0.0 - Frontend
React Router 4.2.0 - React Rendering
Webpack - Set up utilizing this tutorial:
Devise - User Authentication
React Google Charts - Line Graph
PostgreSQL - SQL Database
RSpec, Capybara - Backend Testing
Enzyme, Karma, Jasmine - Frontend Testing
Please follow the above tutorial for setting up Webpack.
Database Creation:
When creating the database, first run rake db:create
, then rake db:migrate
, and then rake db:seed
What will be crucial will be the migrations and seed file. Because of how the Emotions table has each emotion as an entry into the database so that each one has a unique ID, the graph and other functionalities won't work without the seed.
Notes: The testing is still in progress.