Mediminder is an iPhone app that allows users to manage their medication schedule with ease by sending them reminder notifications.
Click to view the demo:
- Swift 4
- XCode 9.2
- XCTest
- Clone the repository by running the following command in your terminal:
$ git clone
Sign up for an Apple developer account
Install XCode and open the Mediminder directory in XCode
Click on the play (▸) button in the top pane to initiate the iPhone Simulator and use the app
- Open the Mediminder directory in XCode
- Select View -> Navigators -> Show Test Navigators from the top navigation bar in XCode
- Scroll down to MediminderUITests in the left hand pane and click the play button (▸) to run the tests
As a user,
So I can better track when I need to take my medication,
I want to be able to add a new medication to my app
As a user,
So I can remember to take my medication,
I want to be able to receive a reminder
As a user,
So I can control my medication effectively,
I want to be able to set the frequency and duration of my reminders
- Magyar-Hunor Tamas
- Serena Hathi
- Jenny Arenas
- Kaari Strack