
Optional text is not working

Opened this issue · 1 comments

While reading cucumber4-started an optional text can be used as follow:

(s)he searches for {string}
she/he searches for {string}

But when I try to use this example in my project usign language pt, the feature file or steps aren't found


Feature file

# language: pt

Dado que o "Stephen" esteja logado
Quando ele acessar o e-mail
Então deve ver os emails.


@Quando("(que )ele/ela acess(ar)(a)(ou) o e-mail")
   public void acessarEmail() {

Usign "ele/ela" not works, while (ele)(ela) work, but ele or ela is mandatory to be informed.

Cucumber4-version = 4.2.0
Serenity-Cucumber = 1.0.21
Serenity-Version = 2.0.80

Any idea of what is happening?

It could be a bug in the dialect, especially if it works for you in English - I would ask the Cucumber community.