- 11
Receiving error in cucumber4
#26 opened by JeffGaly - 9
"timeout" not working "withTimeoutOf(Duration.of(timeout, SECONDS))" for shouldNotContainText() and shouldContainText() Methods
#34 opened by bzsharm - 4
com.automation.test.RunnerTest.initializationError while using CucumberWithSerenity.class i.s.o Cucumber.class
#32 opened by raktim1988 - 1
Goal Verify doesn't work with serenity cucumber with org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:2.22.1:
#33 opened by raktim1988 - 1
- 1
Getting java.lang.NullPointerException: No BaseStepListener has been registered
#29 opened by Madhan-alt - 0
Error running Cucumeber test in command-line - NoClassDefFoundError: org/newsclub/net/unix/AFUNIXSocketAddress
#27 opened by sudheerah - 3
Aggregated report from gradle submodules contains features from one module only
#25 opened by arturobhn - 1
- 2
- 0
How does Serenity extend Cucumber?
#14 opened by mpkorstanje - 5
cucumber.options tags are ignored in serenityCucumberVersion 1.0.22 and cucumberVersion 4.8.0
#15 opened by ilzul - 10
- 3
No base step listener registered when trying to run the tests from feature file
#20 opened by ralves20 - 6
Update maven dependencies
#18 opened by BartVanRaemdonck - 1
Optional text is not working
#17 opened by jacqueline-costa-sofist - 2
Test does not generate index.html
#11 opened by mypark - 6
@RunWith(CucumberWithSerenity.class) throws NoClassDefFound cucumber/runtime/junit/Assertions
#9 opened by WB3Tech - 5
Serenity and Selenide with Cucumber4
#6 opened by SeleniumTestAB - 2
Dependency convergence
#3 opened by KLBonn - 2
serenity-cucumber4 version 1.0.12 fails to run
#8 opened by SiKing - 0
Serenity language support for Cucumber
#7 opened by SeleniumTestAB