Cocktail API Project

Welcome to the Cocktail API project! This project is a Flask-based web application that allows users to explore and interact with cocktail information retrieved from TheCocktailDB API. Users can search for cocktails by name, sign in or sign up, add drinks to their favorites, leave comments, and more.

Live Demo

Check out the live demo here.

Tech Stack

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap for front-end.
  • Python with Flask for the back-end.
  • PostgreSQL as the database.
  • SQLAlchemy for database ORM.
  • Jinja for templating.


  • Search Cocktails by Name: Users can search for cocktails by their names.

  • User Authentication:

    • Sign up with first name, last name, username, and password.

    • Passwords are securely encrypted using Bcrypt.

    • Sign in with registered credentials.

  • Favorites:

    • Users can add drinks to their favorites.
    • View all favorite drinks on the Favorites page.
    • Remove drinks from favorites.

  • Comments:

    • Users can add comments to cocktails.
    • Delete their own comments.

  • Random Cocktail on Page Refresh: Every time a user refreshes the page, a random cocktail is displayed.

Database Schema

Project Structure

  • /app: This directory holds the core files for your Flask application.

    • Entry point for the Flask application.
    • Includes forms for user input.
    • Contains database models.
  • /templates: Holds HTML templates for your Flask app.

    • base.html: Base template with common structure.
    • cocktails.html: Template for displaying cocktail information.
    • favorites.html: Template for showing user's favorite drinks.
    • home.html: Template for the home page.
    • login.html: Template for user login.
    • register.html: Template for user registration.
    • search.html: Template for searching cocktails.
  • /images2: Stores images used in the project.

  • .env: Configuration file for environment variables, including sensitive data like API keys.

  • requirements.txt: Lists all the dependencies required for your project.

  • Documentation for your project.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
    git clone
    cd BeABaristaAtHome2
    flask run