JavaScript Collection


SerenNeDio is a web application that combines various features, including games, tests, a weather app, and a to-do list. It's built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap for the front end, and Python with Flask for the back end.

Live Demo

Check out the live demo here.

Tech Stack

  • Front End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
  • Back End: Python, Flask
  • Deployment: Render



  • Memory Game: Test your memory skills by matching pairs.

  • Guess the Word Game: Try to guess the hidden word.

  • Meme Generator Game: Have fun creating memes.

  • Connect Four Game: Play the classic Connect Four game.


  • HTML Test: Evaluate your HTML knowledge.
  • CSS Test: Test your CSS skills.
  • JavaScript Test: Assess your JavaScript proficiency.
  • Python Test: Check your knowledge of Python.

Weather App

  • Get real-time weather information using a Weather API.

Todo App

  • Create, edit, and delete your to-do list items.

How to Run Locally

  1. Clone the repository:
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd SerenNeDio
  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the application: python


The project is deployed on Render.


Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Follow the contribution guidelines for more details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


  • Mention any libraries, APIs, or resources you used and would like to acknowledge.

Happy coding!