Job Finder App

The Job Finder App is a full-stack web application designed to streamline the job search process. Built with React, Bootstrap, NodeJS, Express, PostgreSQL, and JWT authentication, this app offers a range of features to enhance the user experience.

Check out the live demo: Live Demo

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, Bootstrap
  • Backend: NodeJS, Express
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Authentication: JWT


Key Features

1. User Authentication

  • Sign Up and Login: Users can create accounts by signing up with their email and password. Subsequently, they can log in securely using JWT tokens.

2. Job and Company Listings

  • Extensive Database: The app boasts a vast database containing over 500 jobs and companies, ensuring users have a wide array of employment opportunities.

3. Search Functionality

  • Dynamic Search: Users can search for specific jobs or companies using the search functionality available on both the Jobs and Companies pages.

4. Job Application Workflow

  • Apply for Jobs: Users can apply for jobs directly through the app. The "Apply" button dynamically changes to "Applied" upon successful submission.

5. Company Details Page

  • Comprehensive Company Information: Users can explore detailed information about a specific company, including its name, description, and a list of available jobs.

6. Profile Management

  • User Profiles: Users have personalized profiles where they can view and update their account information, providing a centralized hub for managing their interactions with the platform.

7. Responsive Design

  • Mobile-Friendly: The app is designed with a responsive layout, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes.

Getting Started


  • Node.js and npm installed
  • PostgreSQL database set up


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd seren-job-searchh