Table Understanding with Tree-based Attention (TUTA)

Please keep tuned after we complete the internal process of publishing TUTA's model and code. Welcome to contact us for more technique details and discussions:,

🍻 Updates

  • 2022-01-09: Cell type classification.

  • 2021-10-29: Code of TUTA.

  • 2021-9-2: We released HiTab, a large dataset on question answering and data-to-text over complex hierarchical tables.

  • 2021-8-17: We presented our work in KDD'21.

  • 2020-10-21: We released our paper on arXiv.


We provide three variants of pre-trained TUTA models: TUTA (-implicit), TUTA-explicit, and TUTA-base. These pre-trained TUTA variants can be downloaded from:


To run pretraining tasks, simply run

python                                           \
--dataset_paths="../"                              \
--pretrained_model_path="${tuta_model_dir}/tuta.bin"      \

# to enable a quick test, one can run
python  --batch_size 1  --chunk_size 10  --buffer_size 10  --report_steps 1  --total_steps 20

# to enable multi-gpu distributed training, additionally specify 
--world_size 4  --gpu_ranks 0 1 2 3

Do make sure that the number of input dataset_paths is no less that the world_size (i.e. number of gpu_ranks).
One can find more adjustable arguments in the main procedure.

Downstream tasks

Cell Type Classification (CTC)

To perform the task of cell type classification at downstream:

  • for data processing, use SheetReader in the and CtcTokenizer in the;
  • for fine-tuning, use the CtcHead and TUTA(base)forCTC in the ./model/ directory.

Table Type Classification (TTC)

To perform the task of table type classification at downstream:

  • for data processing, use SheetReader in the and TtcTokenizer in the;
  • for fine-tuning, use the TtcHead and TUTA(base)forTTC in the ./model/ directory.

For an end-to-end trial, run:

python                                           \
--folds_path="${dataset_dir}/folds_deex5.json"                    \
--data_file="${dataset_dir}/deex.json"                            \
--pretrained_model_path="${tuta_model_dir}/tuta.bin"             \
--output_model_path="${tuta_model_dir}/tuta-ctc.bin"              \
--target="tuta"                                                   \
--device_id=0                                                   \
--batch_size=2                                                   \
--max_seq_len=512                                                 \
--max_cell_num=256                                                 \
--epochs_num=40                                                   \

A preprocessed dataset of DeEx can be downloaded from:

Data Pre-processing

For a sample raw table file input, run

# for SpreadSheet
python                          \
--input_dir ../data/pretrain/spreadsheet   \
--source_type sheet                        \
--output_path ../

# for WikiTable
python                                      \
--input_path ../data/pretrain/wiki-table-samples.json  \
--source_type wiki                                     \
--output_path ../

# for WDCTable
python                         \
--input_dir ../data/pretrain/wdc          \
--source_type wdc                         \
--output_path ../

will generate a semi-processed version for pre-training inputs.

Input this data file as an argument into the pre-training script, then the data-loader will dynamically process for three pre-training objectives, namely Masked Language Model (MLM), Cell-Level Cloze(CLC), and Table Context Retrieval (TCR).


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