
Parse HTML templates and generate ES Modules to be used with infuse.host.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This package offers a command line interface (CLI) to convert HTML templates (HTML files) to ES Modules to be used with infuse.host.


$ npm install infuse-cli


infuse [options] <input> [output]
cat <input> | infuse [options] > output

The input argument can be:

  • A path to an HTML file.
  • A path to a directory. An ES Module will be created for each HTML file in the directory. Use the --recursive option to search for HTML files recursively. If the input argument is a directory, the output argument must also be a directory.
  • A glob pattern. An ES Module will be created for each file that matches the given pattern. Use the --cwd option to limit the search to an specified directory.
  • If omitted, the STDIN will be used as input.

The output argument:

  • Can be a path to an output file, but only when the input argument is a file or when STDIN is used as input.
  • Must be a path to a directory if the input argument is a directory or a glob pattern.
  • If omitted, the generated ES Module will be written to STDOUT.


--help          Show this help message.
--cwd           The current working directory in which to search for files. Only applicable
                when the input argument is a pattern. Defaults to process.cwd().
-e, --encoding  Character encoding to use when reading and writing files. Defaults to "utf8".
-r, --recursive Recursively search for files. Only applicable when the input argument is a
                path to a directory.

Infuse.host Configuration Options

Additional details for these options can be found at https://infuse.host/

--configs-path        Generated ES Modules will use this path to import the configs module (from
                      infuse.host) in the client side. Defaults to "infuse.host/src/configs.js".
--camel-case-events   If present, event handler names that contain dashes will be camel cased.
--constant-exp        The prefix or a regular expression used to determine if an attribute is a
                      custom constant. Defaults to "const-". To use a regular expression, this
                      option must start and end with a slash and contain parenthesis. For
                        --constant-exp "/^(\\w+)-const$/"
--context-function-id Attribute name that identifies context functions. Defaults to "data-cid".
--event-handler-exp   The prefix or a regular expression used to determine if an attribute is
                      an event handler. Defaults to "/^on-?(\\w[\\w:-]+)$/". To use a regular
                      expression, this option must start and end with a slash and contain
                      parenthesis. For instance:
                        --event-handler-exp "/^when-(\\w+)-run$/"
--event-name          Name for event variables. Defaults to "event".
--placeholder-id      Attribute name that identifies placeholder templates. Defaults to
--sweep-flag          Name for the sweep boolean attribute. Defaults to "data-sweep".
--tags                Tag names that are used in the templates. This can be a single tag name
                      or a comma separated list of tag names. Alternatively, multiple tag names
                      can be specified by using --tags multiple times (once for each tag name).
--tags-name           Name of the variable that contains all tag functions. Defaults to "tags".
--template-id         Attribute name that identifies templates. Defaults to "data-tid".
--watch-exp           The prefix or a regular expression used to determine if an attribute is a
                      watch. Defaults to "watch-". To use a regular expression, this option
                      must start and end with a slash and contain parenthesis. For instance:
                        --watch-exp "/^(\\w+)-watch$/"


Parse template.html and write the generated ES Module to template.js:

infuse template.html template.js

The following is identical to the previous example but using STDIN and STDOUT:

cat template.html | infuse > tempalte.js

Convert all HTML files in src/html (recursively) and write them all to the dist directory:

infuse --recursive src/html dist

The following example uses a pattern to achieve the same result as the previous example:

infuse --cwd src/html "**/*.html" dist

All generated modules will import the configs module from "/modules/infuse.host/src/configs.js":

infuse --configs-path "/modules/infuse.host/src/configs.js" src/html dist