Clips Autoplay is a continuous video player for Twitch Clips. Search for Twitch Channels, Games or Categories, LiveStreamFail with some filtering options and watch continuosly until there are no more clips in your current search.
- Autocomplete Search
- API wrapper based on Twitch API
- Favourite Searches Saving (Local Storage)
- Continuous Playlist Creation
- NodeJS with Express
- MongoDB with mongoose
- TypeScript
- React
- Sass
Change to the Server folder
cd server
Create a .env file with the following variables:
For the Twitch variables you need to create your own Twitch Application.
Install all dependecies
yarn install
Transpile the TypeScript files
yarn watch
Start the server in development mode
yarn dev
Change to the Client folder
cd client
Create a .env file with a variable 'REACT_APP_API_URI' with the api adress, in development it should be 'http://localhost:4000' since it's the default set by the server.
Install all dependecies
yarn install
Start the server
yarn start