
MySQL Provider for the Vapor web framework.

Primary LanguageSwift

MySQL Provider for Vapor

Adds MySQL support to the Vapor web framework.

import Vapor
import VaporMySQL

let drop = Droplet(providers: [VaporMySQL.Provider.self])


To build, the first place you'll want to look is the Config/ directory. In their, you should create a secrets folder and a nested mysql.json.

  - mysql.json
      - mysql.json

The secrets folder is under the gitignore and shouldn't be committed.

Here's an example secrets/mysql.json

  "host": "z99a0.asdf8c8cx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com",
  "user": "username",
  "password": "badpassword",
  "database": "databasename",
  "port": "3306",
  "encoding": "utf8"

You can also just set a url.

    "url": "username:password@123.mysql.host.io"

Install and link MySQL

Follow the instructions at vapor/mysql to properly install and link MySQL.