- 2
compiler (GCC 14.2.1, -std=c++20) can't find frozen::unordered_map::contains()
#179 opened by brouhaha - 2
frozen::unordered_map throws "integral constant overflow" errors. (Hash function issue?)
#178 opened by bw908 - 3
Release a new version (tag)
#176 opened by anders-wind - 1
Generate an error when duplicate keys are present
#175 opened by Shizcow - 1
implicit size like std::to_array
#174 opened by gvollant - 1
Which version should I use?
#171 opened by jaskij - 2
Does it work on gcc13?
#169 opened by lednakashim - 1
CTAD issue using frozen::map
#168 opened by pfee - 0
- 2
test_unordered_map.cpp: error: modification of 'ze_map' is not a constant expression; error: non-constant condition for static assertion
#163 opened by barracuda156 - 1
- 4
test_unordered_set.cpp failed to be built with gcc 12.2.0
#160 opened by sgn - 5
Add map/set final() method?
#132 opened by MBkkt - 1
map::at() may return incorrect item
#156 opened by mikekaganski - 2
Frozen bimap?
#145 opened by RazielXYZ - 2
Hashing with Boost Hash Library
#109 opened by staticassert - 5
Nested containers with different sizes
#111 opened by ivan-aksamentov - 5
How to create a string key at runtime?
#143 opened by jgm-ktg - 5
Test compilation error
#150 opened by amosnier - 0
Frozen constexpr map AVL tree ?
#147 opened by PospelovDaniil - 1
- 0
Status of cvector and carray
#136 opened by jdupak - 1
frozen::string vs string_view?
#102 opened by henris42 - 3
Warning concerning a missing constexpr
#122 opened by tetsuhaut - 1
#114 opened by davidson16807 - 7
Binary search on small maps
#72 opened by degski - 2
- 7
Compilation errors in VS 2019
#115 opened by mistval - 2
Support for std::array?
#119 opened by 0x8000-0000 - 2
- 2
include/frozen/map.h:114:12: error: binding reference of type 'int' to value of type 'const int' drops 'const' qualifier
#116 opened by nbrachet - 3
Add conan package
#107 opened by peter-moran - 3
frozen::unordered_map, fails in MSVC 2017 with C++17
#108 opened by malium - 7
Allow modification of map values
#105 opened by peter-moran - 2
- 1
bug in make_pmh_buckets
#95 opened by jibal - 3
Can we have insert/merge function?
#71 opened by qduyang - 2
- 2
- 1
frozen::unordered_map::value_type does not comply with the standard for std::unordered_map::value_type
#94 opened by anadon - 4
Case-insensitive option?
#88 opened by rael007 - 4
Add versioning
#85 opened by peter-moran - 1
Form package for inclusion in to Hunter
#75 opened by grmartin - 4
frozen::map of std::variant compilation error
#81 opened by alex31 - 2
- 6
GCC 9.1.1 strict-overflow warnings
#77 opened by invexed - 7
Unable to create large (500 elements) unordered maps due to compilation errors VS2017
#76 opened by shivendra14 - 3
example for initialise looop with random number und string unorderd_map? And can make this as variable im Class priate or Public?
#69 opened by bnadem - 8
Integral constant overflow in MSVC
#68 opened by uecasm - 2
Pre-sorting keys in constexpr unordered map
#70 opened by degski