
A wrapper over cowboy web server, simplifies the development of restfull api


  • simplifies handling of http request. You don't need to start cowboy and its dependencies obviously (all incapsulated)
  • provides several built-in request validating features: ip whitelist filter, basic auth, alowed methods
  • built-in body decoding/encoding. Supports xml, json, form_urlencoded, multipart data (without files), automatic detection
  • built-in workflow, that allows you to create buisness logic by passing functions as parameters to erlyrest.

You can also:

  • interrupt your function flow at any place and response on http request by calling erlyrest:reply/2 (non functional style, but can be useful in some cases)


You just need to add erlyrest dependency in your projects rebar.config file

{deps, [
    {erlyrest,      ".*", {git, "",      {branch, "master"}}}

usage examples