
Repository for the Context Server REST API specification

Context Server REST API

Repository for the Context Server REST API specification

[Open] (http://editor.swagger.io/#/?import=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sergehuber/contextserver-rest-api/master/cxsSwagger.yaml) the Swagger YAML file in the editor Online

GraphQL schema

The cxs-schema.graphqle contains a GraphQL schema.

We recommend editing this file with a schema-aware editor. If you're using IntelliJ IDEA you can install this plugin to get support for GraphQL : [https://github.com/jimkyndemeyer/js-graphql-intellij-plugin/] (https://github.com/jimkyndemeyer/js-graphql-intellij-plugin/)

Looks like we will need the [GraphQL Endpoint language] (JetBrains/js-graphql-intellij-plugin#15) support for this type of document.

Here are some references to the Schema IDL in the GraphQL specification project :

[GraphQL IDL additions] (graphql/graphql-spec#90) [GraphQL-JS Schema Definition Language Parser] (graphql/graphql-js#74)