GridU project for the course of Airflow

To start the airflow follow the next steps:

  1. install Docker-compose if you don't have it

  2. run docker-compose up -d

  3. open localhost:8080 in your browser

  4. go to the connections and create a new connection

      • Connection type: Postgres
      • Host: postgres
      • Schema: airflow
      • Login: airflow
      • Password: airflow
    • (optional) TEST_DATABASE_2 (you need to create another schema for that connection)
    • fs_local
      • Connection type: File (path)
  5. go to Variables and add a new one

    • wait_sensor_file_path
      • /usr/local/airflow/dags/wait_sensor2
    • monitoring_dag
      • replicate_TEST_DATABASE_1_table_records_2

Before start running DAGS, activate every dag you have (by default there are should be 4 dags).


Trigger this dag and then wait until it finishes. This time we don't have a table and it should use the branch create_table. Trigger this dag again and verify that it uses another branch (see it in Graph View) named table_exists. (Optional) Open query_the_table in the Graph View - Task Instance Details - Xcom. It should have return_value with 2 or more records (depends on count that dag is run).


Run dag trigger_dag and then create a file using the followind command touch ./dags/wait_sensor2. Wait till it ends successfully. This trigger also should run replicate_TEST_DATABASE_1_table_records_2 and to wait until it finishes.