
Pure and safe type-inference syntax to work with Google Gson library.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Pure and safe type-inference syntax to work with Google Gson library.

Notice: library dependencies don't link google gson library and you should be added it by yourself to your library dependencies.

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  • sbt 0.13 or 1.0
  • JVM 8 or JVM 9
  • Scala 2.11 or Scala 2.12


To start using library just add it to your project (update version to the last from a badge above). See examples below.


libraryDependencies += "com.github.sergeygrigorev" %% "gson-object-scala-syntax" % "0.3.2"


<!-- Scala 2.12 -->

<!-- Scala 2.11 -->


import com.google.gson.{ JsonParser, JsonObject }
import com.github.sergeygrigorev.util.instances.gson._
import com.github.sergeygrigorev.util.syntax.gson._

// use scala primitive
    val jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse("{a: null}").getAsJsonObject

// use scala list with primitive
    val jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse("{a: [1, 2, 3] }").getAsJsonObject
    assert(jsonObject.getAs[List[Int]]("a") == List(1, 2, 3))

// manually define format
    case class CustomType(byte: Byte, int: Int)
    import com.github.sergeygrigorev.util.data.ElementDecoder
    import com.github.sergeygrigorev.util.data.ElementDecoder._
    implicit val customTypeParser: ElementDecoder[CustomType] = primitive[CustomType] {
      case root: JsonObject =>
        val byte = root.getAs[Byte]("byte")
        val int = root.getAs[Int]("int")
        CustomType(byte, int)
      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("is not an element")
    // impicitly load manually defined format
    val jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse("{a: { byte: 1, int: 2 } }").getAsJsonObject
    assert(jsonObject.getAs[CustomType]("a") == CustomType(1, 2))

// automatically inlined by shapeless HList
    case class CustomType2(long: Long, double: Double)
    val jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse("{a: { long: 1, double: 2 } }").getAsJsonObject
    assert(jsonObject.getAs[CustomType2]("a") == CustomType2(1, 2))

You can use Scala case classes, tuples, lists, maps, and they will be automatically derived by shapeless library and/or corresponding decoders.

Possible problems

Q: My custom parser isn't used. Why is that?
A: You should import your custom type explicitly by import MyDecoders._, otherwise shapeless hlist could be chosen by compiler.


Copyright (c) 2017 Sergey Grigorev

Published under the Apache License 2.0