URU is the collection of jQuery widgets, prepared to be used with Ur/Web.
The Ur/Web compiler in source form, sqlite3 and the POSIX env are required in order to build the demo.
For the development, cake3 the Makefile generator is needed. It requires the Haskell platform.
Obtain the Ur/Web from the official repo.
Patch the sources with the patches from the uru's root directory, build and install.
Clone the urscript library
$ git clone https://github.com/grwlf/urscript
Unpack and build the URU sources
$ git clone https://github.com/grwlf/uru $ ( cd uru ; make ; )
Note, uru and urscript should live in the same directory
Launch ./uru/test/Test1.exe and visit http://localhost:8080/Test1/main
- Makefile and Makefile.devel are provided. The first one is the default
makefile which requires no special tools. The .devel version offers additional
rules to embed styles, images and JavaScript into the UrWeb project. Also,
Makefile.devel knows how to rebuild itself. The sequence is:
- Cake3 builds the ./Cakegen binary using ./Cakefile.hs (in Haskell) as it's input
- ./Cakegen generates all the UrWeb project files, the autogen/* files, the Makefile and the Makefile.devel. The first Makefile is for non-developers. It doesn't require cake3 to be installed. The second Makefile knows how to rebuild itself as well as autogen/* if someone change the resources.
- GNU Make evaluates either Makefile or Makefile.devel and builds the library and the test executable.
- src/NivoSlider is the hardest control to maintain, since it requires different styles, images and unusual $(window).load() event handler and uses tricky urls inside it's CSS.
- Main function ends with a smile :)
- Split Uru into several libraries, one library per control
- Pass more options from UrWeb into JS. Currently, almost all options are hardcoded.
- More controls?