
Auxiliary classes for deeper and more seamless integration of ExtJs library on server-side. Provides data mapping and dynamic query building services.

Primary LanguagePHP

This bundle is not longer maintained, only critical bugfixes will be applied, please use SliDoctrineArrayQueryBuilderBundle and SliDoctrineEntityDataMapperBundle instead.

The bundle will contain some utility classes that prove useful when you use ExtJs library on the client-side.

What's inside

For now, there's not much yet:

  • QueryBuilder\ExtjsQueryBuilder -- Builds proper Doctrine queries for your Ext.data.Store on client-side. Makes it possible to easily leverage 'remoteFilter', 'remoteSort' as well as pagination. Also, the class is smart enough to build proper queries when you need to sort(ORDER BY) by an associated entity
  • DataMapping\EntityDataMapperService -- Maps data coming from client-side onto your entities

Please read inline phpDoc for more information how to use classes


  1. Add the bundle to your composer.json:

        "require": {
            "sergeil/extjsintegration-bundle": "~1.0"
  2. Add bundles to your /app/AppKernel:

    new Sli\ExtJsIntegrationBundle\SliExtJsIntegrationBundle(),
    new Sli\AuxBundle\SliAuxBundle()