
Strip whitespace - or other characters - from the beginning of a string

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ltrim Node.js module returns a string with whitespace (or other characters) stripped from the beginning of a string. Without dependencies and library bloat.

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npm install ltrim


yarn add ltrim


ltrim (str[, chars])
Parameter Description
str The input string
chars Characters that you want to be stripped

Without the second parameter, ltrim will strip whitespaces (spaces, tabs and new lines).


var ltrim = require('ltrim');

/* Strip whitespace from the beginning of a string */
ltrim('    Hello    ') + ' World' // →Hello     World

/* Strip multiple special chars from the beginning of a string */
ltrim('... Hello World ...', ' .'); // →Hello World ...

/* Strip multiple chars from the beginning of a string */
ltrim('Hello World', 'Hdle'); // →o World

/* Strip url protocol from the beginning of a string */
ltrim('https://goo.gl/', '/:htps'); // →goo.gl/