Dijkstra shortest path - Revisited

Coding exam at Crowd Interactive


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In order to use the CLI open up your terminal and run

ruby dijkstra.rb

You will be prompted to set the number of nodes in the graph:

Created a graph object. How many nodes do you want it to have?

Enter the number of nodes to go on to the next step. Here you can enter some comands. The most useful thing to do now would be to link the nodes. To do so, use the l command (for link) like this:

>> l 0 1 7

The first argument is the index (or label) of the first node. Nodes are zero-indexed, so if you entered, for example, 6 nodes, you will have node indexes from 0 to 5 available for linking.

Once you finish linking your nodes, you can start asking for the shortest path between pairs of nodes with the find command, like this:

>> find 0 4

You will get back something like:

Shortest path: [0, 2, 5, 4]

Once you're done, you can finish your program by typing exit, like this:

>> exit

And that's it.


This is a work in progress and any 'undesired' input my and will make the program crash!