Zero To Production in Rust

This repo is based on a walkthrough of the book Zero to Production in Rust: an opinionated introduction to backend development by Luca Palmieri.

The book is a phenomenal resource and I highly recommend it to anyone beginning their Rust journey. Here is a list of all the books I found helpful:

Make sure to do the rustlings challenges.

I also recommend watching Rust content on Youtube. There are some excellent channels that will get you set up and show you how to write idiomatic Rust.

Jon Gjengset (author of Rust for Rustaceans) has a channel which does a great "decrusting crate {name}" series as well as some long-form coding challenge videos which are a great way to learn from an experienced Rustacean.

The Source

While I have followed the book closely, I have made some noteworthy deviations from its instructions for the sake of interest and learning, namely:

  • Postgres (incl. migrations) and redis bootstrap implemented in Rust instead of BASH;
  • The use of a cargo workspace for additional crates;
  • Go no further than implementation, testing, and CI (no CD).


Have a look at main.yaml to understand how all the source is validated.

To run the server locally, or run the tests, we must first run Postgres and Redis via docker:

cargo run --bin stores run &

Then we can run tests:

cargo test

And we can run the API server:

cargo run --bin zero2prod

Have a look at the YAML files in configuration/ if you want to change any default values. The default port is 8080:

curl -v http://localhost:8080/health