This is a simulator of PIC32 processor, based on OVPsim technology. Currently only Linux platform is supported.
This software is opensource, released under the terms of MIT-like license. You are free to modify it to your needs. Any enhancements are welcome.
How to build and run
1) Register at
2) Download OVPsim simulator package for Linux, release 20141103.0:
In case you use different relase of OVPsim, you will need to modify
file imperas.environ appropriately.
3) Unpack the downloaded package:
Install the unpacked directory as: /usr/local/Imperas.20141103
You can install it to some other place, and modify file
imperas.environ to use a new path.
4) Install the required environment variables, using imperas.environ:
$ source imperas.environ
5) Get your host ID, needed for a license:
$ $IMPERAS_HOME/bin/Linux32/lmutil lmhostid
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2011 Flexera Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The FLEXnet host ID of this machine is "00123f7c25ed"
6) Fill a form and send request for OVPsim license.
Use host ID from previous step.
Ask for a free license for personal non-commercial usage.
7) When license received by email, put it to the file
8) Build the pic32 simulator:
$ make
It will create six binaries:
pic32mx7-explorer16 - MX7 processor on Microchip Explorer16 board
pic32mx7-max32 - MX7 processor on chipKIT Max32 board
pic32mx7-maximite - MX7 processor on Maximite board
pic32mz-explorer16 - MZ processor on Microchip Explorer16 board
pic32mz-meb2 - MZ processor on Microchip MEB-II board
pic32mz-wifire - MZ processor on chipKIT WiFire board
9) Run the simulator without arguments to get a usage hint:
$ ./pic32mx7-max32
Simulator of PIC32MX7 microcontroller
pic32mx7-max32 [options] [boot.hex] application.hex
-v verbose mode
-t filename trace CPU instructions and registers
-l number limit simulation to this number of instructions
-d sd0.img SD card image (repeat for sd1)
-g wait for GDB connection
-m enable magic opcodes
-s stop on software reset
-c enable cache
10) Run demos in directories demo/boot, demo/wifire and demo/retrobsd.
See README.txt in these directories.