
Slaps and kicks idling users logged through xrdp

Primary LanguageShell


Slaps and kicks idling users logged through xrdp

Based on idlekiller bash script by @muru: https://github.com/muru/scratchpad/tree/master/linux/idlekiller


Install xprintidle:

sudo apt-get install xprintidle


  • the script xrdp-idle-killer.sh to /usr/local/bin/xrdp-idle-killer,
  • the .upstart file to /etc/init/xrdp-idle-killer.conf,
  • the .init.d file to /etc/init.d/xrdp-idle-killer,
  • the .default file to /etc/default/xrdp-idle-killer.

Start the Upstart service:

# Ubuntu 14-
sudo initctl reload-configuration

sudo service xrdp-idle-killer start

Start the init.d service:

# Ubuntu 16+
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo service xrdp-idle-killer start


It doesn't support many options now. :) You can set:

  • The idle timeout using the variable IDLE. This is an integer in seconds. Default: 3600.
  • The frequency of checking using the sleep timeout variable TIMEOUT. Default: 15s. Since this is passed to sleep as is, you can use syntax that your sleep will understand, such as 10m and 2h.
  • The grace period after the warning is shown, using the GRACE variable. This is an integer in minutes. Default: 15.
  • The warning message subject using the IDLE_SUBJECT variable.
  • The warning message text using the IDLE_MESSAGE variable. Sended through notify-send, support basic html tags.
  • The warning message icon using the IDLE_ICON variable. Default: system-log-out.
  • Command to execute to logout root in LOGOUT_ROOT variable. Default: mate-session-save --logout-dialog
  • Command to execute to logout users in LOGOUT_USER variable. Default: mate-session-save --force-logout

To set them, create /etc/default/xrdp-idle-killer and set the variables in it. The file is sourced, so bash syntax can be used.

I haven't added a way to exclude users from this yet.


The script logs to syslog using the XRDP-IDLE-KILLER tag.

How it looks
