Configuration based NFT Wallet React Component with all wallet connections for your NFT
npm install --save nft-wallet
See Connector list example with supported wallets, please update args values as needed.
const ConnectorList = [
title: 'Ethereum Wallet',
key: 'network',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect to RPC Ethereum Wallet that supports multiple chains.',
link: '',
type: 'ethereum',
args: { urls: { 1: '', 4: '' }, supportedChainIds: [1, 3, 4, 5, 42] }
title: 'METAMASK',
key: 'metamask',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Meta Mask , over 1 million worldwide users trusted wallet.',
link: '',
type: 'ethereum',
args: { supportedChainIds: [1, 3, 4, 5, 42] }
title: 'Coinbase',
key: 'coinbase',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Coinbase, a wellknown global crypto currency wallet.',
link: '',
type: 'all',
args: { dAppId: '', dAppSecret: '' }
title: 'Bitski',
key: 'bitski',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Bitski, A simple-to-use wallet with email and password.',
link: '',
type: 'all',
args: { dAppId: '' }
title: 'Portis',
key: 'portis',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Portis, a cloud-hosted Non-Custodial Blockchain wallet ',
link: '',
args: { dAppId: '', networks: [{ chainId: '1', 1: '' }, { chainId: '4', 4: '' }] }
title: 'Dapper',
key: 'dapper',
type: 'ethereum',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Dapper, a browser extension that pays gas fee for you. ',
link: '',
args: { supportedChainIds: [1, 100] }
title: 'Kaikas',
key: 'kaikas',
type: 'ethereum',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Dapper, a chrome extension wallet. ',
link: '',
args: { supportedChainIds: [1, 100] }
title: 'Trezor',
key: 'trezor',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Trezor, the secure vault for your digital assets."',
link: '',
args: {url:'', chainId: 1, dAppEmail: '', dAppUrl: '' }
title: 'Authereum',
key: 'authereum',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Authereum, a usability focused wallet with no transaction fee.',
link: '',
args: { chainId: 1}
title: 'Fortmatic',
key: 'fortmatic',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Fortmatic , join with your phone number on any device.',
link: '',
args: { dAppId: '', dAppName: 'Your App Name', chainId: 1, }
title: 'Ledger',
key: 'ledger',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with a Ledger Nano X , Nano S device with Bluetooth or USB.',
link: '',
args: { email: '', url:'', chainId: 1 }
title: 'Lattice 1',
key: 'lattice',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with your Grid Plus Lattice 1, a programmable hardware wallet.',
link: '',
args: { url:'', dAppName: 'Your App Name', chainId: 1, }
title: 'Wallet Connect',
key: 'walletConnect',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Pair with Trust, Argent, MetaMask & more. Works from any browser, without an extension.',
link: '',
args: { urls: { 1: '', 4: '' }, }
title: 'Wallet Link',
key: 'walletLink',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect your own Wallet, An open protocol that lets to connect mobile wallets',
link: '',
args: { url:'', dAppName: 'Your App Name', dAppLogoUrl:'',supportedChainIds: [1, 100] }
const onConnection =(account, provider)=>{
// Manage your logic provide account addressId and Connection Provider
<WalletContainer ConnectorList={connectorList} onConnection={onConnection}/>