Kubernetes skillup to build simple Api / Front application to test Kubernetes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them. Follow links for istructions.
- Docker 18.03.1-ce (2018-04-26) +
- Docker Compose 1.21.2 +
- VirtualBox
- Minikube
Using Terminal navigate to project folder (replace "{path_to_project_folder}" with real path)
cd {path_to_project_folder}
Next steps:
minikube start
- building docker images and setup environmentkubectl create -f kubernetes/dev
kubectl get pods
- note name of any api-deployment running pod, for exampleapi-deployment-f695445b9-qhgs9
kubectl exec api-deployment-f695445b9-qhgs9 rails db:migrate
kubectl exec api-deployment-f695445b9-qhgs9 rails db:seed
Check project is up and running using minikube dashboard
and go to http://kb-skillup.local
Run bin/start_dev.sh
Run minikube stop
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/dev
kubectl delete -f kubernetes/dev/api_deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/dev/api_deployment.yaml
Specific instructions how to run the application console and attach to running application for interactive debugging. For example:
Run this command to get to console
kubectl get pods
kubectl exec -it api-deployment-7965d7f9c4-mvbg2 bash
Run command kubectl delete -f kubernetes/dev
Short description of deployment process. Manual or CI.
Steps required to create and provision new servers in existing environment. Provision new environment.
Steps required to deploy application to existing environment.
Short description of commands and tools to monitor and debug application running on staging or production.
Some useful info troubleshooting provisioning and deployment. Maybe absent.
A link to the project documentation (or it is explicitly written that there is no documentation except this file).